我从《威廉·斯托林斯》(William Stallings)写的《操作系统内部和设计原理》一书中读到,GPU是针对多个数据的单指令,但我没有理解它的含义.我在google中搜索并得到了这个假设,我不确定它是对还是错,那就是:
I have read from the book "Operating System Internals and Design Principles" written by "William Stallings" that GPUs are Single-Instruction on Multiple Data, I don't get it what it means. I searched in google and got this assumption which I am not sure if it is right or wrong and that is:
- SIMD GPU意味着GPU仅处理一系列数据(例如游戏)上的一条指令,GPU仅负责游戏的图形表示,其余的计算由CPU完成,这是真的.
In the context of GPU's, SIMD is a type of hardware architecture such that there are simultaneous (parallel) computations (Execution of an instruction), but only a single process (instruction) at a given moment.
Schematically, the SIMD architecture can be drawn as the following:
(维基百科的信用额: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMD)
(credit for wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMD)
Data Pool in our context is the GPU memory & PU is a processing unit or execution unit (Cuda core in NVidia's GPU terms).Bottom line - a single core of GPU can execute simultaneously the same instruction over different data.