


I've seen common comparisons made between the AoS (Array of Structures):

struct xyz
    ALIGNED float x, y, z, ignored;
ALIGNED struct xyz AoS[n];


And the SoA (Structure of Arrays):

struct SoA
    ALIGNED_AND_PADDED float x[n];
    ALIGNED_AND_PADDED float y[n];
    ALIGNED_AND_PADDED float z[n];


So what would this kind of data representation be called?

struct xyz4
    ALIGNED float x[4];
    ALIGNED float y[4];
    ALIGNED float z[4];
ALIGNED struct xyz4[n/4] ???;

一个缓存高效的SOA?一个AoSoA?一个索奥声? APITA至code?这似乎是最有效的解决方案一般来说,提供SOA式SIMD有大量的缓存命中。

A "cache-efficient SoA"? An AoSoA? An SoAoS? A "PITA to code"? It seems like the most efficient solution generally speaking, providing SoA-type SIMD with a lot of cache hits.



That data structure has multiple names such as a Hybrid Structure of Arrays (see Extending a C-like Language for Portable SIMD Programming) or an array of struct of arrays (AoSoA).

AOS是不适合的SIMD。 SOA是一种改进,但在某些情况下,仍是不充分的。解决的办法是阵列中的混合结构。它可能是一个PITA像你说的,但是这是你,如果你想从SIMD最高的效率有时会使用什么(除非收集和分散指令成为有效)。

AoS is not suitable for SIMD. SoA is an improvement but in some cases is still not sufficient. The solution is a Hybrid Structure of Arrays. It may be a PITA as you say but that's what you have to use sometimes if you want the highest efficient from SIMD (unless gather and scatter instructions become efficient).


08-29 08:49