本文介绍了Azure VM统计信息-网络输入/输出-进行了哪些测量?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我感到不安,但我不了解Azure用于Network In/Out和其他一些事情的度量.

I feel perturbed, but I don't understand the measurement Azure uses for Network In/Out and a few other things.

在Azure门户上->我的VM->指标-> [主机]网络输入/输出,它说以字节为单位,但是随着时间的推移它也会绘制图形. 如果它是普通字节,则应该是累积的,因此可以无限期地增长,但是不是,因此,我倾向于认为它是每秒测量的或类似的值.但是Azure文档声称它是字节,而不是每秒字节(链接此处)

On Azure portal -> my VM -> Metrics -> [Host] Network In/Out, it says that it is measured in bytes, but then it also draws graph over time. If it were plain, bytes, it should be cumulative and therefore grow indefinitely, but it isn't, therefore I am inclined to believe it is measured per second or something like that. But Azure docs claim that it is bytes and not bytes per second (link here)



我倾向于认为数据以字节/分钟为单位.至少对于我来说,是这样.我将图表设置为10分钟间隔.将鼠标从图形上移开,总字节数显示在底部.悬停在各个样本点(总共10个)上,每个样本点平均在31-34MB之间.将它们累加起来,就可以接近图形间隔326MB的总数. 10 * 32.5非常接近总数,这使我相信图表上的每个间隔都是各个间隔(1分钟)的总和.无论如何,这就是我所看到的.来自Microsoft的糟糕文档.为什么不只在单个图形的(i)悬停点上指定呢?@ eddyP23-如果将图形中的所有点加起来,看来您将得出相同的结论.每个点是间隔的总和(1分钟).我不知道该怎么读.
如果是每秒字节数,则整个间隔的数据总量将大得多. 10分钟间隔

I am inclined to believe the data is in bytes per minute. At least for mine it appears that way. I set my graph for a 10 minute interval. Taking the mouse off the graph the total bytes show at the bottom. Hovering over the individual sample points (10 in total) they average between 31-34MB each. Adding them up you get close to the total for the graph interval 326MB. 10*32.5 is very close to the this total leading me to believe that each interval on the graph is a sum of the individual interval (1 minute). That is what I am seeing anyway. Terrible documentation from Microsoft. Why not just specify this in the (i) hover point on the individual graph?@eddyP23 - if you add up all your points in your graph it appears you would come to the same conclusion. Each point is a sum of the interval (1 minute). I am not sure how else to read this.
If it were bytes per second the data total for the complete interval would be vastly larger. 10 minute interval

这篇关于Azure VM统计信息-网络输入/输出-进行了哪些测量?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 08:35