我正在使用Windows Installer XML(WiX)工具集版本3.10.2。当我使用具有相似文本的项创建ComboBox时,通过UI进行的选择无法按预期工作。例如,我创建了以下列表:
1 | TEXT 10000
2 | TEXT 5000
3 | TEXT 2000
4 |文字1000
5 | TEXT 500
6 |文本100
我注意到设置Sorted =no没有这种奇怪的行为。但是,这不是我项目的选择。
I am using Windows Installer XML (WiX) Toolset version 3.10.2. When I create a ComboBox with items that have similar text, selection through the UI does not work as expected. As an example, I created the following list:
Value | Text
1 | TEXT 10000
2 | TEXT 5000
3 | TEXT 2000
4 | TEXT 1000
5 | TEXT 500
6 | TEXT 100
Selecting values 1, 2, and 3 works as expected. Selecting values 4 and 6 displays the text of value 1. Selecting value 5 displays the text of value 2.
I noticed that setting Sorted="no" does not have this odd behavior. However, that is not an option for my project.
What am I missing?
Someone filed issue #4069 with the WiX team. It was closed as unrelated to WiX; this behavior is controlled by MSI and/or Windows. However, there was no further recommendations for resolution.
What I have tried:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Product Id="*" Name="WiX_ComboBox" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="Example Company" UpgradeCode="c45d2b80-fc84-48a2-a29c-46e781d26461">
<Package InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" InstallScope="perMachine" />
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed." />
<MediaTemplate />
<UIRef Id="WixUI_Common"/>
<UIRef Id="CustomUi"/>
<UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText"/>
<Property Id="BADCMBVAL1" Value="1" />
<Dialog Id="BadComboBoxDlg" Width="370" Height="270" Title="Bad Combo Box" NoMinimize="yes">
<Control Id="BadComboBox1" Type="ComboBox" X="100" Y="186" Width="100" Height="16" ComboList="yes" Sorted="yes" Property="BADCMBVAL1">
<ComboBox Property="BADCMBVAL1">
<ListItem Value="1" Text="TEXT 10000"/>
<ListItem Value="2" Text="TEXT 5000"/>
<ListItem Value="3" Text="TEXT 2000"/>
<ListItem Value="4" Text="TEXT 1000"/>
<ListItem Value="5" Text="TEXT 500"/>
<ListItem Value="6" Text="TEXT 100"/>
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Text="!(loc.WixUIBack)" />
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUINext)" />
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Cancel="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUICancel)">
<Publish Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
<UI Id="CustomUi">
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Normal" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bigger" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="12" />
<TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Title" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="9" Bold="yes" />
<Property Id="DefaultUIFont" Value="WixUI_Font_Normal" />
<Property Id="WixUI_Mode" Value="Mondo" />
<DialogRef Id="ErrorDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="FatalError" />
<DialogRef Id="FilesInUse" />
<DialogRef Id="MsiRMFilesInUse" />
<DialogRef Id="PrepareDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="ProgressDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="ResumeDlg" />
<DialogRef Id="UserExit" />
<Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog" Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="BadComboBoxDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="BadComboBoxDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value="WelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="BadComboBoxDlg" Control="Next" Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg">1</Publish>
<Control Id="BadComboBox1" Type="ComboBox" X="100" Y="186" Width="100" Height="16" ComboList="yes" Sorted="yes" Property="BADCMBVAL1">
<ComboBox Property="BADCMBVAL1">
<ListItem Value="1" Text="TEXT 10000"/>
<ListItem Value="2" Text="TEXT 5000 "/>
<ListItem Value="3" Text="TEXT 2000 "/>
<ListItem Value="4" Text="TEXT 1000 "/>
<ListItem Value="5" Text="TEXT 500 "/>
<ListItem Value="6" Text="TEXT 100 "/>