



作为我的BigDecimal库的一部分,我需要计算任何给定的非负整数的阶乘.因此,我正在使用.Net 4.0的System.Numerics.BigInteger来存储大量数字.这是我正在使用的功能:

As a part of my BigDecimal library, I need to calculate the factorial of any given non negative integer. So I'm using .Net 4.0 's System.Numerics.BigInteger to be able to store huge numbers. Here is the function I'm using:

private BigInteger Factorial(BigInteger x)
     BigInteger res = x;
     while (x > 1)
          res *= x;
     return res;


It's working but not optimized. Now I want to use parallel computing, so here is what I've tried: (I have no experience with parallel programming)

public BigInteger Factorial(long x)
     BigInteger res = 1;
     ParallelLoopResult r = Parallel.For(2L, (x + 1), i =>
          res *= i
     return res;


The weird problem is that the above function works perfectly for small numbers like 5! but doesn't work for big numbers like 1000! and each time returns a completely different result. So I realized it's not thread safe and the problem is with the variable res. I wonder what the correct implementation is?
And It would be nicer if I could use BigInteger instead of long for variable x.



You need to make sure your parallel processes do not share any state.


For example, in the case of the factorial, I would do the following:

  • 设置并行度(DOP)-通常是计算机上用于计算绑定操作的处理器数量
  • 将问题分为独立的子集
  • 并行处理每个子集
  • 汇总从并行过程获得的结果

这在某种程度上是一种简化的 Map-Reduce .

This is somehow a simplified Map-Reduce.

问题在于将一组数字相乘.将此集划分为子集的一种方法是对循环使用N并行,其中每个循环均以值i(其中0 < i <= N)开始,步长为N(并且N = DOP).

The problem consists in multiplying together a set numbers. One way to divide this set into subsets is to use N parallel for loops where each start at a value i (where 0 < i <= N) with a step of N (and N = DOP).


Here's the code that does that:

/// <summary>
/// The max number of parallel tasks
/// </summary>
static readonly int DegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount;

public BigInteger Factorial(long x)
    // Make as many parallel tasks as our DOP
    // And make them operate on separate subsets of data
    var parallelTasks =
        Enumerable.Range(1, DegreeOfParallelism)
                    .Select(i => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Multiply(x, i),

    // after all tasks are done...

    // ... take the partial results and multiply them together
    BigInteger finalResult = 1;

    foreach (var partialResult in parallelTasks.Select(t => t.Result))
        finalResult *= partialResult;

    return finalResult;

/// <summary>
/// Multiplies all the integers up to upperBound, with a step equal to DOP
/// starting from a different int
/// </summary>
/// <param name="upperBoud"></param>
/// <param name="startFrom"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public BigInteger Multiply(long upperBound, int startFrom)
    BigInteger result = 1;

    for (var i = startFrom; i <= upperBound; i += DegreeOfParallelism)
        result *= i;

    return result;

在我的计算机上,这将在大约30秒内计算出100000!,结果为 Wolfram Alpha应该说的是什么.

On my machine this computes 100000! in about 30 seconds and the result is what Wolfram Alpha says it should be.


After running a few more tests, I discovered something which I didn't expect: printing out the 100000! result to the console takes ~18 seconds (the result has 456574 digits).


The results of the 100000! computation alone (without printing the number) the are:

  • 〜10秒用于并行执行
  • 〜16秒用于顺序执行


08-29 08:33