


Okey, so time to build an webapplication using Jboss, restEasy as backend and i wanted to go for some MVC front-end framework like Angular.js.


Never done this before so here is a million questions:


Should i be using security roles in java or have my own security authentication and declare my own roles?


J_security_check is wierd, it only prompts you to log in if you try to access a forbidden resource. Then it reroutes you to the login page. How can i use this with Angular? seems to me this can be a very messy rerouting-game.


Message Digest is hardly any explanation, but seems to be the way to go, but i have no idea how to use it.


如果我在后端设置角色如何角知道什么样的角色有,并显示出什么看法?我一定要在一个cookie每个请求和存储发送的角色?或者是会话ID anough后端跟踪?

If i set up roles in the back-end how does angular know what roles there are and what views to show? do i have to send roles in each request and store in a cookie? or is the sessionID anough for back-end to keep track?


everything is just messy in my head.


but this is what i think atm:

  1. 冲浪到http:/www.mydomain.com /

  2. 欢迎页面是检查一个cookie,如果没有,创建具有某种客信息的cookie,然后担任了角单页的应用程序的servlet。角读取cookie,并给你的登录页面。

  3. 登录通过SSL调用restservice和后端摘要和用户进行身份验证。在这里,我不知道我应该做的,我应该返回一个cookie的新角色?或不?我应该存储在贝克端登录的用户在一个sessionBean并作出restcall时,经常检查会话bean?我应该保护我背后的Java安全角色restservice?或上述所有?


im in the dark here, please help.



Since you are using a RESTfull service in your back-end, I think it would be better to use a token authentication instead of a cookie.


With a cookie, it wouldn't be stateless and REST have to be stateless.you can find many options here.


For the roles management, after the user is authenticated, you can call a service from the back-end (with the token in the header) to get the roles. In angular you can store them using a service, in a localStorage or in a sessionStorage. After that you don't have to send the roles in each request (only the token for the requests that have to be authenticated).


  1. 冲浪到http:/www.mydomain.com /

  2. 如果用户通过身份验证,即令牌是在服务上,一个的localStorage或sessionStorage的,那么你会显示欢迎页面

  3. 如果用户未通过身份验证(无令牌),则显示登录页面。他本人进行身份验证,角接收令牌,拨打电话来获取角色,然后继续欢迎页面就像在步骤2中。

在后端,您通过验证令牌,如果它在请求的头部进行管理。如果它是无效或完全不存在,您发回一个状态code 401未授权。然后,前端会知道它具有显示登录页面。

In your back-end, you manage this by verifying the token if it's in the request's header. If it's invalid or totally absent, you send back a status code 401 Unauthorized. The front-end will then know that it has to display the login page.
