我希望能够拍摄图像并使图像相对较快地模糊(例如在0.1秒内).图片大小几乎永远不会大于256 x 256像素.
I want to be able to take an image and blur it relatively quickly (say in 0.1 sec). Image size would almost never be larger than 256 x 256 px.
Do I have to loop thru every pixel and average them with neighbors or is there a higher-level way that I could do this?
PS :我知道多个方框模糊可以近似为高斯模糊.
PS: I am aware that multiple box blurs can approximate a gaussian blur.
我为iOS3.2 +应用找到了一种非常快的糟糕方法
I found a really fast pretty crappy way for iOS3.2+ apps
UIView *myView = [self view];
CALayer *layer = [myView layer];
[layer setRasterizationScale:0.25];
[layer setShouldRasterize:YES];
This rasterizes the view down to 4x4 pixel chunks then scales it back up using bilinear filtering... it's EXTREMELY fast and looks ok if you are just wanting to blur a background view under a modal view.
To undo it, just set the rasterization scale back to 1.0 or turn off rasterization.