

本文介绍了ARM 程序集 - 替换字符串中字符的代码的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有这个 C 驱动程序

I have this C driver program

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern void subs( char *string, char this_c, char that_cr ) ;

int main(int argc, char *argv[] )
    char this_c= 'e' ;
    char that_c = 'X' ;
    char orgstr[] = "sir sid easily teases sea sick seals" ;

    subs( orgstr, this_c, that_c ) ;
    printf( "Changed string: %s\n", orgstr ) ;

    exit( 0 ) ;

我必须制作一个将字符串上的e"更改为x"的 arm 程序,到目前为止,这就是我所拥有的 \

I have to make an arm program that changes the 'e' on the String to 'x', so far this is what I have \

.global subs

    stmfd sp!, {v1-v6, lr} //string entry
    mov v1, #0 //set index to 0
    mov v2, #0 // set count to 0

loop :
    ldrb    v3, [a1,v1] // get the first char
    cmp     a2,v3    //compare char if its the same to the one that has to b chang
    mov v3, a3   // change the character for the new character
    addeq   v2, v2, #1 //increment count
    add     v1, v1, #1 // increment index
    cmp v3,#0   //end of string
    bne     loop
    mov     a1,v2 //return value

    ldmfd   sp!, {v1-v6, pc}


This is giving me an infinite loop though and I'm stuck, can anyone help me figure out where the problem is??


So this is what i have so far,

.global subs

    stmfd sp!, {v1-v6, lr} //string entry
    mov v1, #0 //set index to 0
    mov v2, #0 // set count to 0

loop :
    ldrb    v3, [a1,v1] // get the first char
    cmp     a2,v3    //compare char if its the same to the one that has to b chang
    moveq   v3, a3   // change the character for the new character
    addeq   v2, v2, #1 //increment count
    add     v1, v1, #1 // increment index
    cmp v3,#0   //end of string
    bne     loop
    mov     a1,v2 //return value

    ldmfd   sp!, {v1-v6, pc}


it runs but the character is never changed..., the output and the end is the same one as the input, for some reason, the a2 registry is null...



mov v3, a3   // change the character for the new character


This should be a conditional store back into the string.

streqb a3, [a1, v1]

这篇关于ARM 程序集 - 替换字符串中字符的代码的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 07:02