

我正在使用 MinGW GCC + Eclipse ,并且我遇到了此错误:

I am using MinGW GCC + Eclipse on Windows, and I have run into this error:


What is the crtdbg.h file? How can I get it and solve this problem?


<crtdbg.h>是Microsoft Visual C ++特定的头.您可以使用类似于以下内容的存根来解决此问题:

<crtdbg.h> is a Microsoft Visual C++ specific header. You may be able to work around this problem using a stub similar to the following:

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define _ASSERT(expr) ((void)0)

#define _ASSERTE(expr) ((void)0)

请注意,这将禁用正在编译的代码中的所有断言,并且如果正在编译的代码在crtdbg.h中使用了更高级的功能(例如内存泄漏检测),仍将无济于事.如果使用了这些功能,则需要使用MSVC ++而不是MinGW编译代码.

Note that this will disable any asserts in the code you are compiling against, and still won't help you if the code you're compiling uses more advanced features inside crtdbg.h, such as memory leak detection. If these features are in use, you will need to compile the code with MSVC++ rather than MinGW.


11-02 18:48