

我读过一些人说,如果你结合然后缩小可能会有问题,并且你应该总是缩小然后结合(例如参见。)然而,我从来没有见过这些问题是什么或自己遇到的例子。我也找不到任何官方从YUI devs说明最好的做法是什么。

I've read some people saying there can be issues if you combine and then minify, and that you should always minify then combine (See for example the comments on this question.) However, I've never seen an example of what these issues are or encountered them myself. I also can't find anything official from the YUI devs stating what the best practice is.




Currently the most popular compressing algorithm is GZIP. How it works is that it tries to reference the position of a character (or a chain of characters) from their last occurrence, and define how many of these characters can be repeated.

让我们假设你想要压缩的字符串是: AABAB

Let's assume the string you'd want to compress is: AABAB


[0,0]A  - Last occurrence of A was 0 characters ago, and its length was 0
[1,1]A  - Last occurrence of A was 1 characters ago, and its length was 1 char
[0,0]B  - Last occurrence of B was 0 characters ago, and its length was 0
[2,2]AB - Here comes the interesting part. We will only reference the set of
          characters, not occurrence of each character. The last occurrence of AB
          was 2 characters ago, and the length of this set of characters is 2.

$ b b


知道,如果我们重新使用相同的字符,我们可以看到对算法来说很重要,例如函数参数名称 - 这正是缩小的功能(请参阅:)。如果给出这两个函数:


Knowing that, we can see that it matters a lot to the algorithm if we're re-using the same characters as, for example, function argument names - and that's precisely what minification does (see: closure compiler). If given these two functions:

function hello(name, surname) {
    alert('Welcome '+ name + ' ' + surname);

function logout( id ) {
    alert('Logged out '+ id);


function hello(a,b){alert("Welcome "+a+" "+b)}
function logout(a){alert("Logged out "+a)};


Which would allow the algorithm to be more efficient. Now this is a very simplified example, however in bigger chunks of code, where the variables or even function names can be replaced by their minified versions, the order of doing things will start to matter.



08-29 06:44