I'm making the transition from NUnit to XUnit (in C#), and I was writing some "Integrated Tests" (ITs) that I don't necessarily want the test runner to run as part of my automated build process. I typically do this for manually testing, when the full end to end process might not work because of environmental factors (missing data, etc.)
In NUnit, you could mark a test with the Explicit attribute and it would just get skipped by the test runner (unless you marked the test with a specific Category attribute and told the test runner to target that category explicitly).
Does XUnit have a similar way to exclude tests from the test runner?
Jimmy Bogard用一个不错的RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute解决了这个问题.请参阅此博客文章:在xUnit中明确运行测试.net
Jimmy Bogard solved this with a nice RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute. See this blog post: Run tests explicitly in xUnit.net
public class RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute : FactAttribute
public RunnableInDebugOnlyAttribute()
if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
Skip = "Only running in interactive mode.";