

使用像Intel optane DCPMM这样的永久性内存时,如果在执行movnt指令时系统崩溃(断电),重启后是否有可能看到部分结果?

When using persistent memory like Intel optane DCPMM, is it possible to see partial result after reboot if system crash(power outage) in execution of movnt instruction?


  • 4或8字节的 movnti ,x86可以保证原子用于其他目的吗?
  • 16字节SSE movntdq / movntps 不能保证是原子的,但实际上可能在支持持久性内存的CPU上.
  • 32字节AVX vmovntdq / vmovntps
  • 64字节AVX512 vmovntdq / vmovntps 全线存储
  • 额外的问题: MOVDIR64B 已保证64字节在支持它和DC-PM的未来CPU上写原子性.例如蓝宝石急流至强/老虎湖/特里蒙特.
  • 4 or 8 byte movnti which x86 guarantees atomic for other purposes?
  • 16-byte SSE movntdq / movntps which aren't guaranteed atomic but which in practice probably are on CPUs supporting persistent memory.
  • 32-byte AVX vmovntdq / vmovntps
  • 64-byte AVX512 vmovntdq / vmovntps full-line stores
  • bonus question: MOVDIR64B which has guaranteed 64-byte write atomicity, on future CPUs that support it and DC-PM. e.g. Sapphire Rapids Xeon / Tiger Lake / Tremont.

movntpd movntps 相同.




Atomicity guarantees on x86 in global observability and persistency are the same. This means that the following operations are persistently atomic:

  • 没有跨越8字节边界到任何有效内存类型的位置的存储uop,并且
  • MOVDIR64B .


In addition, the following operations are persistently atomic:

  • 缓存行写回( CLWB )和
  • 非体系结构缓存行逐出.
  • 英特尔处理器上的完整写合并缓冲区刷新.WCB的存在和大小以及冲洗的原因是特定于实现的.请参阅:将英特尔非临时性商店订购到相同的缓存行.
  • A cache line flush (CLFLUSH or CLFLUSHOPT),
  • A cache line writeback (CLWB), and
  • A non-architectural cache line eviction.
  • A full write-combining buffer flush on Intel processors. The presence and size of WCBs and the causes of flush are implementation-specific. See: Ordering of Intel non-temporal stores to the same cache line.

对于其他所有内容,包括64字节AVX512 vmovntdq / vmovntps 全线存储,都没有体系结构上的持久性原子保证.

There is no architectural persistent atomicity guarantee for everything else, including 64-byte AVX512 vmovntdq / vmovntps full-line stores.


These guarantees apply to Asynchronous DRAM Refresh (ADR) platforms and Enhanced Asynchronous DRAM Refresh (eADR) platforms. (On eADR, the cache hierarchy is in the persistence domain. See: Build Persistent Memory Applications with Reliability Availability and Serviceability.)

此答案基于我与Andy Rudoff(英特尔)的私人通信.

This answer is based on my private correspondence with Andy Rudoff (Intel).


08-29 06:28