





I replied that it is useful to decrease the number of conflict miss and insufficient space miss. But the data cache and the instruction cache can be sized according to the number of data and instruction? Because i assumed that the number of data is higher than the number of instruction (many times we need 2 data to execute 1 instruction) and the data cache and instruction cache is sized according to this numbers. Is true or completely wrong? In the case that it's wrong, why implement data cache and instruction cache to reduce miss?



The idea of a cache is to deliver cached data in 1 cycle to keep the CPU running at maximum speed.



Now today all CPUs are pipelined. This means the they have independent modules that e.g. fetch an instruction, decode it, fetch the operands, execute the instruction, and write back the result. All of these pipeline stages are executed whenever possible at the same time for different instructions.
For maximum speed, an instruction fetch has to be done at the same time as an operand fetch of an earlier instruction decoded before. Both can only be done (in the optimal case) at the same time in 1 cycle if one has an instruction cache and a data cache.


08-29 06:23