


According to "Intel 64 and IA-32 architectures optimization reference manual,"April 2012 page 2-23

我的计算机是2核Sandy Bridge,带有3 MB,12路组关联LLC缓存。但是,这似乎与英特尔的文档不一致。根据数据,看来我应该有24路。我可以想象核心/缓存切片的数量正在发生变化,但我还不太清楚。如果我有2个核心,因此每个切片有2个1.5 MB的缓存切片,那么根据Intel,每个缓存切片将有12种方式,这似乎与我的CPU规格不一致。有人可以向我澄清一下吗?

My computer is a 2-core Sandy Bridge with a 3 MB, 12-way set associative LLC cache. That does not seem to be coherent with Intels documentation though. According to the data it seems that I should have 24-ways. I can imagine there is something going on with the number of cores/cache-slices but I can't quite figure it out. If I have 2 cores and hence 2 cache slices 1.5 MB per slice, I would have 12 ways per cache slice according to Intel and that does not seem consistent with my CPU specs. Can someone clarify this to me?

如果我想逐出整个缓存行,我需要以128 KB或256 KB的步幅访问缓存吗?实际上,这就是我要实现的目标。

If I wanted to evict an entire cache line would I need to access the cache in strides of 128 KB or 256 KB? In fact this is what I am trying to achieve.


Any suggested readings are very welcome.



Associativity is orthogonal to the number of slices or to the mapping done by the hash function. If a given address is mapped to some cache slice(and a given set within it), it can only compete over the ways with other lines that were mapped to the same place.Having 2 slices does not raise associativity, it only reduces the contention (since lines are evenly distributed over more sets eventually).


Therefore you have 12 ways per slice, but the overall associativity per set is still 12 ways.


If you were to test your associativity by accessing different lines mapped to the same set, you will just have a harder time picking such lines (you'll need to know the hash function), but you're still going to get thrashing after 12 lines.However, if you were to ignore the hashing, and assume lines are simply mapped by their set bits, I could appear as if you have higher associativity simply because the lines would divide uniformly between the slices, so thrashing would take longer. This isn't real associativity, but it comes close for some practical purposes. It would only work if you're using a wide physical memory range though, since the upper bits need to change for the hashing to make any impact.


08-29 06:23