我在尝试与数据的HTML表我拉出来的DB ...
I am attempting to make an HTML Table with data I pull out of DB...
Here is my Model...
public class PopulationModels
public List<PopulationModel> Populations { set; get; }
Which is simply a list of...
public class PopulationModel
public string populationID { set; get; }
public string PopName { set; get; }
public string Description { set; get; }
public string PopulationType { set; get; }
public Boolean isActive { set; get; }
//public List<XSLTACOData> patients { set; get; }
I pass this model to my view like so...
IEnumerable<PopulationModels> PopModel = DataRepo.Get(userName);
return View(PopModel);
I attempt to show a list in the following way...
@foreach (var item in Model) {
<td class="rowControl hidden">
@*<a href="#makeRowEditable" class="makeRowEditable">Edit</a>*@ |
@*<a href="#deleteRow" class="deleteRow">Delete</a>*@
@Html.DispalyFor(modelItem => item.Populations)
But I am having a hard time figuring out how to access the individual elements of my model...
@Html.DispalyFor(modelItem => item.Populations)
The above line of code, I want to take each individual populationModel and map a column for each of the fields... But I can't seem to access the individual populations... Am I missing a logical step here (I obviously am, but which step?)
UPDATE: ADDING SOME MORE OF THE VIEW: I am making now getting a table, but the way I am doing it seems counter intuitive...
Here is my model...
@model IEnumerable<FocusedReadMissionsRedux.Models.PopulationModels>
Here is how I am creating my table (I am planning on using jqGrid's tableToGrid functionality as soon as I can get a solid way to access my data...
<table border="2">
Population Name
Population Description
@foreach(var item in Model){
foreach (var pop in item.Populations)
<td class="rowControl hidden">
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => pop.PopName)
@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => pop.Description)
Since you didn't post the complete code for your view: you should define what kind of object you are binding to in your view like this:
@model IEnumerable<PopulationModels>
Then you can just loop through it with a foreach and bind to the current item using:
@Html.DisplayFor(x => x.Popname)
这篇关于制作使用强类型模型MVC4 HTML表格的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!