本文介绍了如何使用IPC :: Open2过滤大量数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My task is to filter some data from perl script with external utility (the addr2line). The data size is quite large. I need to print a lot of data to stdin of program and read a lot of data back (from stdout of program into my script).

现在,我使用IPC::Open2进行此操作,但是我不将阅读和写作混合在一起.这合法吗? Open2会在管道中缓冲任何大小的数据吗?

Now I do this with IPC::Open2, but I don't mix reading and writing. Is this legal? Will Open2 buffer any size of data in pipe?


my $cmd="addr2line -e $prog_name ";
use IPC::Open2;
local (*Reader, *Writer);
my $pid = open2(\*Reader, \*Writer, $cmd);
for(@requests) {  # this array is HUGE, 100s of thousands of entries
    print Writer "$_\n";
close Writer;  
for(@requests) {
    $function_name = <Reader>;
    $filesource = <Reader>;
   #... store ..
close Reader;



Yes, you will run into buffer capacity constraints the way your program is written. Your input buffer (Reader) will fill up and block execution of your external program.


Mixing reading and writing would help, as you would be emptying the input buffer at about the same rate that the external program is filling it.

另一有用的方法是使用文件进行进程间通信,而不是使用管道或套接字(如IPC::Open2一样).这样,您将仅受可用磁盘空间量的限制.尽管 Forks::Super 默认使用IPC文件,但您可以自己完成此操作.

Another thing that would help is using files for interprocess communication instead of pipes or sockets (as IPC::Open2 does). Then you would be limited only by the amount of free disk space. You could do it yourself, though Forks::Super uses files for IPC by default.

use Forks::Super 'open2';

my ($Reader,$Writer,$pid) = open2(@command);
for (@requests) { print $Writer "$_\n" }
close $Writer;
for (@requests) { ... read ... }
close $Reader;
waitpid $pid,0;

这篇关于如何使用IPC :: Open2过滤大量数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-23 10:47