将pandas导入为pd将numpy导入为np导入迭代工具将 seaborn 作为 sns 导入从 matplotlib.colors 导入 ListedColormapprint("seaborn version {}".format(sns .__ version__))#R Python中的expand.grid()函数# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12131385/1135316def expandgrid(* itrs):产品=清单(itertools.product(* itrs))return {'Var{}'.format(i+1):[x[i] for x in product] for i in range(len(itrs))}ltt = ['lt1','lt2']方法=['方法1','方法2','方法3','方法4']标签 = ['label1','label2']时间 = 范围(0,100,10)数据= pd.DataFrame(expandgrid(ltt,方法,标签,时间,时间))data.columns = ['ltt','method','labels','dtsi','rtsi']#data ['nw_score'] = np.random.sample(data.shape [0])数据['nw_score'] = np.random.choice([0,1],data.shape[0])数据出[25]:ltt 方法标签 dtsi rtsi nw_score0 lt1方法1标签1 0 0 01 lt1方法1标签1 0 10 12 lt1 方法 1 标签 1 0 20 13 lt1 方法 1 标签 1 0 30 14 lt1 方法 1 标签 1 0 40 1……………………1595 lt2 方法 4 标签 2 90 50 01596 lt2方法4标签2 90 60 01597 lt2方法4标签2 90 70 01598 lt2方法4标签2 90 80 01599 lt2方法4标签2 90 90 0label_fill = {0:'red',1:'blue'}定义方面(数据,颜色):data = data.pivot(index="dtsi", columns='rtsi', values='nw_score')g = sns.heatmap(data, cmap=ListedColormap(['red', 'blue']), cbar=False,annot=True)对于 data.ltt.unique() 中的 l:# 打印(升)使用 sns.plotting_context(font_scale=5.5):g = sns.FacetGrid(data,row ="labels",col ="method + l",size = 2,Aspect = 1,margin_titles = False)g = g.map_dataframe(facet)g.add_legend()#g.set(xlabel ='common xlabel',ylabel ='common ylabel')#g.set_titles(col_template="{col_name}", fontweight='bold', fontsize=18)g.set_titles(template =")对于 ax,m in zip(g.axes[0,:],methods):ax.set_title(m,fontweight ='bold',fontsize = 12)对于 ax,l in zip(g.axes[:,0],labels):ax.set_ylabel(l,fontweight ='bold',fontsize = 12,rotation = 0,ha ='right',va ='center')#g.fig.tight_layout()save_results_to ='D:/图'如果不是 os.path.exists(save_results_to):os.makedirs(save_results_to)g.savefig(save_results_to + l +'.png',dpi = 300)
问题来自于您试图遍历两个 ltt
for l in data.ltt.unique():g = sns.FacetGrid(data [data.ltt == l],....)
此外,您还与变量 l
冲突,该变量一次用于 ltt
将pandas导入为pd将numpy导入为np导入迭代工具将 seaborn 作为 sns 导入从 matplotlib.colors 导入 ListedColormapprint("seaborn version {}".format(sns .__ version__))#R Python中的expand.grid()函数# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12131385/1135316def expandgrid(* itrs):产品=清单(itertools.product(* itrs))return {'Var{}'.format(i+1):[x[i] for x in product] for i in range(len(itrs))}ltt = ['lt1','lt2']方法=['方法1','方法2','方法3','方法4']标签= ['label1','label2']时间 = 范围(0,100,10)数据= pd.DataFrame(expandgrid(ltt,方法,标签,时间,时间))data.columns = ['ltt','method','labels','dtsi','rtsi']#data['nw_score'] = np.random.sample(data.shape[0])数据['nw_score'] = np.random.choice([0,1],data.shape[0])labels_fill = {0:红色",1:蓝色"}定义方面(数据,颜色):data = data.pivot(index="dtsi", columns='rtsi', values='nw_score')g = sns.heatmap(data,cmap = ListedColormap(['red','blue']),cbar = False,annot = True)对于data.ltt.unique()中的lt:使用 sns.plotting_context(font_scale=5.5):g = sns.FacetGrid(data [data.ltt == lt],row ="labels",col ="method",size = 2,Aspect = 1,margin_titles = False)g = g.map_dataframe(facet)g.add_legend()g.set_titles(template="")对于斧头,zip 中的方法(g.axes[0,:],methods):ax.set_title(方法,fontweight ='bold',fontsize = 12)对于斧头,zip 中的标签(g.axes[:,0],labels):ax.set_ylabel(label,fontweight ='bold',fontsize = 12,rotation = 0,ha ='right',va ='center')g.fig.suptitle(lt, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)g.fig.tight_layout()g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) # 为标题留出一些空间g.savefig(lt+'.png', dpi=300)
I've been struggling to save my graphs to the specific directory with some certaion look.
Here is the example data and what I've tried so far
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
print("seaborn version {}".format(sns.__version__))
# R expand.grid() function in Python
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12131385/1135316
def expandgrid(*itrs):
product = list(itertools.product(*itrs))
return {'Var{}'.format(i+1):[x[i] for x in product] for i in range(len(itrs))}
ltt= ['lt1','lt2']
methods=['method 1', 'method 2', 'method 3', 'method 4']
labels = ['label1','label2']
times = range(0,100,10)
data = pd.DataFrame(expandgrid(ltt,methods,labels, times, times))
data.columns = ['ltt','method','labels','dtsi','rtsi']
#data['nw_score'] = np.random.sample(data.shape[0])
data['nw_score'] = np.random.choice([0,1],data.shape[0])
ltt method labels dtsi rtsi nw_score
0 lt1 method 1 label1 0 0 0
1 lt1 method 1 label1 0 10 1
2 lt1 method 1 label1 0 20 1
3 lt1 method 1 label1 0 30 1
4 lt1 method 1 label1 0 40 1
... ... ... ... ... ...
1595 lt2 method 4 label2 90 50 0
1596 lt2 method 4 label2 90 60 0
1597 lt2 method 4 label2 90 70 0
1598 lt2 method 4 label2 90 80 0
1599 lt2 method 4 label2 90 90 0
labels_fill = {0:'red',1:'blue'}
def facet(data,color):
data = data.pivot(index="dtsi", columns='rtsi', values='nw_score')
g = sns.heatmap(data, cmap=ListedColormap(['red', 'blue']), cbar=False,annot=True)
for l in data.ltt.unique():
# print(l)
with sns.plotting_context(font_scale=5.5):
g = sns.FacetGrid(data,row="labels", col="method+l", size=2, aspect=1,margin_titles=False)
g = g.map_dataframe(facet)
# g.set(xlabel='common xlabel', ylabel='common ylabel')
#g.set_titles(col_template="{col_name}", fontweight='bold', fontsize=18)
for ax,m in zip(g.axes[0,:],methods):
ax.set_title(m, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)
for ax,l in zip(g.axes[:,0],labels):
ax.set_ylabel(l, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12, rotation=0, ha='right', va='center')
# g.fig.tight_layout()
save_results_to = 'D:/plots'
if not os.path.exists(save_results_to):
g.savefig(save_results_to + l+ '.png', dpi = 300)
When I ran the code above I'm getting an error which says
the expected graph format
The problems comes from the fact that you are trying to loop through the two ltt
levels, but then you don't filter your database on those levels.
for l in data.ltt.unique():
g = sns.FacetGrid(data[data.ltt==l], ....)
Also, you have a conflict with the variable l
that's used once for the ltt
level and the second time in the loop for the row labels. Try using more descriptive variable names in your code.
Here is the full working code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import itertools
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
print("seaborn version {}".format(sns.__version__))
# R expand.grid() function in Python
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/12131385/1135316
def expandgrid(*itrs):
product = list(itertools.product(*itrs))
return {'Var{}'.format(i+1):[x[i] for x in product] for i in range(len(itrs))}
ltt= ['lt1','lt2']
methods=['method 1', 'method 2', 'method 3', 'method 4']
labels = ['label1','label2']
times = range(0,100,10)
data = pd.DataFrame(expandgrid(ltt,methods,labels, times, times))
data.columns = ['ltt','method','labels','dtsi','rtsi']
#data['nw_score'] = np.random.sample(data.shape[0])
data['nw_score'] = np.random.choice([0,1],data.shape[0])
labels_fill = {0:'red',1:'blue'}
def facet(data,color):
data = data.pivot(index="dtsi", columns='rtsi', values='nw_score')
g = sns.heatmap(data, cmap=ListedColormap(['red', 'blue']), cbar=False,annot=True)
for lt in data.ltt.unique():
with sns.plotting_context(font_scale=5.5):
g = sns.FacetGrid(data[data.ltt==lt],row="labels", col="method", size=2, aspect=1,margin_titles=False)
g = g.map_dataframe(facet)
for ax,method in zip(g.axes[0,:],methods):
ax.set_title(method, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)
for ax,label in zip(g.axes[:,0],labels):
ax.set_ylabel(label, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12, rotation=0, ha='right', va='center')
g.fig.suptitle(lt, fontweight='bold', fontsize=12)
g.fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.8) # make some room for the title
g.savefig(lt+'.png', dpi=300)
这篇关于将分组的seaborn facetgrid热图数据保存到目录时出现问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!