


my df consists of a number of unique individuals each with a latitude and longitude coordinate point.

datParts = read.csv("smili_parts.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
SEmap = get_map(location = "thailand", zoom=3)
ggmap(SEmap) + geom_density2d(data=datParts, aes(x=q3b_longitude, y=q3b_latitude), size=0.3) + stat_density2d(data=datParts, aes(x=q3b_longitude, y=q3b_latitude), size=0.01, bins=16, geom="polygon")


This is OK, but I would quite like the density polygons to be coloured based on the density of the points - maybe like red for high density compared to green for low density.


ggmap(SEmap) + geom_density2d(data=datParts, aes(x=q3b_longitude, y=q3b_latitude), size=0.3) + stat_density2d(data=datParts, aes(x=q3b_longitude, y=q3b_latitude, fill=..density..), size=0.01, bins=16, geom="polygon")

Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'density' not found


Is there a way to do this? thank you.


上周我不得不弄清楚这一点. geom_density2d 创建一个路径,根据定义,该路径没有填充.要填充,您需要一个多边形.因此,您需要调用 stat_density2d(geom ="polygon").而不是 geom_density2d .

I had to figure this out just last week for work. geom_density2d creates a path, which by definition has no fill. To get a fill, you need a polygon. So instead of geom_density2d, you need to call stat_density2d(geom = "polygon").

数据帧只是随机数据,具有很好的密度;您应该能够为您的地图改编相同的地图(我在制作一张非常相似的地图,因此使用 stat_density2d 应该没问题).

The dataframe is just random data that gave a nice density; you should be able to adapt the same for your map (I was making a very similar map for work, so using stat_density2d should be fine).

还请注意, calc(level) .. level .. 的替代品,但我认为它仅在 ggplot2 ,因此,如果您使用的是CRAN版本,只需将其替换为较旧的 .. level ..

Also note calc(level) is the replacement for ..level.., but I think it's only in the github version of ggplot2, so if you're using the CRAN version, just swap that for the older ..level..


df <- tibble(
    x = c(rnorm(100, 1, 3), rnorm(50, 2, 2.5)),
    y = c(rnorm(80, 5, 4), rnorm(30, 15, 2), rnorm(40, 2, 1)) %>% sample(150)

ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
    stat_density2d(aes(fill = calc(level)), geom = "polygon") +


Created on 2018-04-26 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).


08-29 05:05