I am working on a linked plot (similar to The SharedData plot pipeline from Carson Sievert in plotly for R. The plot shows a legend for one item I currently hover over. However, right now the legend shows two elements, one for the bar chart and one for the line chart.
- How do I delete the first legend element (the red square for the bar chart) and keep only the legend for the line chart (red line)?
Here is current code:
sd <- SharedData$new(txhousing, ~city)
base <- plot_ly(sd, color = I("black")) %>%
group_by(city) %>%
layout(showlegend = TRUE)
p1 <- base %>%
summarise(has = sum(is.na(median))) %>%
filter(has > 0) %>%
arrange(has) %>%
add_bars(x = ~has, y = ~factor(city, levels = city),
hoverinfo = "none", showlegend = FALSE) %>%
barmode = "overlay",
xaxis = list(title = "Number of months missing"),
yaxis = list(title = "")
p2 <- base %>%
add_lines(x = ~date, y = ~median, alpha = 0.3, showlegend = FALSE) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = ""))
gp <- subplot(p1, p2, titleX = TRUE, widths = c(0.3, 0.7)) %>%
layout(margin = list(l = 120)) %>%
highlight(color = "red",
defaultValues = "Victoria",
selected = attrs_selected(showlegend = TRUE, mode = "lines"
It was mentioned somewhere that the final removal of the legend element may work, but its not working for me here.
gp$x$data[[1]]$showlegend <- FALSE
If Plotly doesn't provide us a method to hide legends created by highlight
, then let's use Plotly's own functions to do so.
Javascript code which is needed to hide the trace once:
var updated = {showlegend: false};
var myPlot = document.getElementsByClassName('plotly')[0];
Plotly.restyle(myPlot, updated, [2]);
In this case it is always the third element [2]
which needs its legend hidden, in general it would be preferable to get the index dynamically based on some conditions.
Let's add this to Plotly's on_click
event to make sure that the legend will be invisible in the future as well.
myPlot.on('plotly_click', function(data){
Plotly.restyle(myPlot, updated, [2]);
And finally add everything to the output and we are good.
javascript <- "
var updated = {showlegend: false};
var myPlot = document.getElementsByClassName('plotly')[0];
Plotly.restyle(myPlot, updated, [2]);
myPlot.on('plotly_click', function(data){
Plotly.restyle(myPlot, updated, [2]);
w <- plotly::as_widget(gp)
w <- htmlwidgets::prependContent(w, onStaticRenderComplete(javascript), data=list(''))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(w, "cities.html")