



有没有一种简单的方法来发现一个文件的Java创建时间? File类只有一个获取上次修改时间的方法。根据我在Google上发现的一些资源,File类没有提供getCreationTime()方法,因为并不是所有的文件系统都支持创建时间的想法。


是否有任何第三方库提供我需要的信息? / p>


随着Java 7的发布,有一个内置的方法可以做到这一点:$ b​​
$ b

  Path path = Paths.get(path / to / file); 
BasicFileAttributes attributes = Files.readAttributes(path,BasicFileAttributes.class);
FileTime creationTime = attributes.creationTime();



Is there an easy way to discover a File's creation time with Java? The File class only has a method to get the "last modified" time. According to some resources I found on Google, the File class doesn't provide a getCreationTime() method because not all file systems support the idea of a creation time.

The only working solution I found involes shelling out the the command line and executing the "dir" command, which looks like it outputs the file's creation time. I guess this works, I only need to support Windows, but it seems very error prone to me.

Are there any third party libraries that provide the info I need?

Update: In the end, I don't think it's worth it for me to buy the third party library, but their API does seem pretty good so it's probably a good choice for anyone else that has this problem.


With the release of Java 7 there is a built-in way to do this:

Path path = Paths.get("path/to/file");
BasicFileAttributes attributes = Files.readAttributes(path, BasicFileAttributes.class);
FileTime creationTime = attributes.creationTime();

It is important to note that not all operating systems provide this information. I believe in those instances this returns the mtime which is the last modified time.

Windows does provide creation time.


08-29 04:33