


I'm working on an Android app in which I would like to use multi-touch. However, I do not want to completely leave out those still running a 1.x OS phone. How do you program the app so that you can use the 2.x multi-touch APIs (or any other higher level API for that matter) and still allow it to gracefully degrade on 1.x systems. If you create a project in Eclipse for 1.x can you even still access the 2.x APIs?Basically I want it to show up in the marketplace and work on all 1.6 and higher phones and just allow access to the higher level functionality if available.

此外,如果任何人都可以点我在1.x设备与使用2.x设备数量的任何数据,这将是极大的AP preciated。

Also, if anyone can point me to any data on the number of 1.x devices vs. 2.x devices in use, it would be greatly appreciated.


下面是我如何使用AccountManager的2 *,但有一个备用的1 *地方是不可用的。

Here is how I use the AccountManager on 2.* but have a fallback on 1.* where it isn't available.

我建立的2.1 SDK,但我的清单状态

I build with the 2.1 SDK, but my Manifest states

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />


This does allow the app to run on 1.5 devices upwards.


I restrict my use of android.accounts.AccountManager to a wrapper class, I called it UserEmailFetcher.

有将有可能使用这个类上2 *设备。但是在早期设备上java.lang.VerifyError将触发第一次这个类是在code遇到过。这是我抓住,并执行一些回退操作。

It will be possible to use this class on 2.* devices. However on earlier devices a java.lang.VerifyError will fire the first time this class is encountered in the code. This I catch, and perform some fallback action.

String name;
try {
   name = UserEmailFetcher.getEmail(this);
} catch (VerifyError e) {
   // Happens if the AccountManager is not available (e.g. 1.x)



08-29 04:17