

许多SQL数据库支持SQL标准称为<derived column list>的内容.此类数据库至少包括CUBRID,Derby,Firebird,HSQLDB,Postgres,SQL Server和Sybase SQL Anywhere. SQL:2008规范的(简化)摘录

Many SQL databases support what the SQL standard calls a <derived column list>. Such databases include at least CUBRID, Derby, Firebird, HSQLDB, Postgres, SQL Server, and Sybase SQL Anywhere. A (simplified) extract from the SQL:2008 specification

7.6 <table reference>

<table reference> ::=
    <table or query name> [ [ AS ] <correlation name>
      [ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ] ]
  | <derived table> [ AS ] <correlation name>
      [ <left paren> <derived column list> <right paren> ]


This means, I can express things like these (e.g. in Postgres, which is pretty standards-compliant)

-- Rename a <table or query name> to u(b)
with t(a) as (select 1)
select * from t as u(b)

-- Rename a <derived table> to u(b)
select * from (select 1) as u(b)

现在,根据 Oracle文档,我无法使用<derived column list>规范重命名列.我当然可以分别重命名表和列,就像这样:

Now, according to the Oracle documentation, I can't rename columns using a <derived column list> specification. I could of course rename tables and columns separately, like this:

-- Rename a <table or query name> to u(b)
with t(a) as (select 1 from dual)
select u.a b from t u;

-- Rename a <derived table> to u(b)
select u.a b from (select 1 a from dual) u;

但是,与以前的语法相比,这需要更多有关派生表(实际列名)的知识.另外,重命名的列仅在投影之后才可用(例如,在ORDER BY子句中),而在包括投影本身在内的任何其他子句中均不可用.

But this requires more knowledge about the derived table (actual column names) than the previous syntax. Also, the renamed columns would only be available after the projection (e.g. in the ORDER BY clause), not in any other clauses, including the projection itself.


Is there a more generic way to rename tables AND columns the way the SQL standard suggests, in Oracle (and also MySQL)? In particular, this could be useful for things like array unnesting, pivot/unpivot table renaming, inlining complex subqueries, renaming results from table functions, etc.


N.B: Please do not focus on the above examples too much. They're really just here to illustrate the problem. Real-world queries are much more complex, so I'm looking for a very general way to implement renaming to u(b)


NOTE: I'm still looking for a solution that works on a database like MySQL. A related question:
How to select an unaliased numeric literal from a sub-select



For a MySQL solution, you could use a UNION to set the names of all the columns in a zero-row query term, and then subsequently query something more complex:

SELECT null AS a, null AS b, null AS c FROM dual WHERE false
SELECT <expr>, <expr>, <expr>
FROM <realtable>...


Only the first query term of a UNION defines the column names of the whole query. Column names (or lack thereof) in subsequent query terms don't affect the ultimate column names.

您确实需要知道列的 number ,但是将两个查询词分开很容易.据我所知,它可以在Oracle和MySQL中运行(但是,我仅在MySQL中进行过测试,而在Oracle中未进行过测试.)

You do need to know the number of columns, but it should be pretty easy to keep the two query terms separate. As far as I know, it works in both Oracle and MySQL (however, I have only tested it in MySQL, not in Oracle).


08-29 03:29