



我有一个应用程序,它循环访问数据库表中的大量记录,并对该数据库中的记录执行大量 SQL 和 .Net 操作(目前我在 PostgreSQL 上使用 Castle.ActiveRecord).

I have an app, which cycles through a huge number of records in a database table and performs a number of SQL and .Net operations on records within that database (currently I am using Castle.ActiveRecord on PostgreSQL).

我在几个字段上添加了一些基本的 btree 索引,并且如您所料,SQL 操作的性能显着提高.想要充分利用 dbms 的性能,我想对我应该为所有项目建立索引的内容做出一些更好的选择.

I added some basic btree indexes on a couple of the feilds, and as you would expect, the performance of the SQL operations increased substantially. Wanting to make the most of dbms performance I want to make some better educated choices about what I should index on all my projects.


I understand that there is a detrement to performance when doing inserts (as the database needs to update the index, as well as the data), but what suggestions and best practices should I consider with creating database indexes? How do I best select the feilds/combination of fields for a set of database indexes (rules of thumb)?

此外,我如何最好地选择将哪个索引用作聚集索引?当谈到访问方法时,在什么情况下我应该使用 btree 而不是散列或 gist 或 gin(它们到底是什么?).

Also, how do I best select which index to use as a clustered index? And when it comes to the access method, under what conditions should I use a btree over a hash or a gist or a gin (what are they anyway?).



  • 索引所有主键(我认为大多数 RDBMS 在创建表时都会这样做).
  • 索引所有外键列.
  • 仅在以下情况下创建更多索引:
    • 查询速度很慢.
    • 您知道数据量将显着增加.


    If a query is slow, look at the execution plan and:

    • 如果一个表的查询只使用了几列,将所有这些列都放在一个索引中,那么你可以帮助RDBMS只使用索引.
    • 不要浪费资源索引小表(数百条记录).
    • 按基数从高到低的顺序索引多列.这意味着:首先索引具有更多不同值的列,然后是具有更少不同值的列.
    • 如果查询需要访问超过 10% 的数据,完整扫描通常比索引更好.


08-29 03:23