我想知道是否有人知道如何编写批处理脚本来编辑.cs文件中的某些文本.我想做的是更改"AssemblyVersion("")" AssemblyVersion("1.0.0.x"),其中每次构建jenkins的工作时都使用x ++.此致Jan
I wonder if anyone knows how to write a batch script to edit some text in a .cs file.What I want to do is change "AssemblyVersion("")" "AssemblyVersion("1.0.0.x")" where x++ for every time the job in jenkins is being built.Best Regards Jan
是否要为此仅使用批处理脚本?您还可以使用 Execute Groovy脚本选项并编写一些简单的Groovy脚本来实现这一目标
Do you want to use only a batch script for this? You could also use Execute Groovy Script option and write some simple groovy script to achieve this
file = new File("folder/path/myfile.cs")
fileText = file.text;
fileText = fileText.replaceAll(srcExp, replaceText);
You can also use the availabe environment variables from your jenkins job to construct your replace text. These variables will be present at /env-vars.html