


I am trying to print accented characters with Freemarker, but in the place of accented characters, I get only question marks. I have verified, that following statement holds:

 "UTF-8" == Environment.getCurrentEnvironment().getConfiguration().getDefaultEncoding()


I can easily see, that the accented characters are correctly held in the variable before giving it to the template.

我的freemarker上下文可以在这里找到: https://gist.github.com/1975239

My freemarker context can be found here: https://gist.github.com/1975239


 Jedinečný živý koncert, kde nejen, že uslyšíte, ale i uvidíte splynutí metalové kapely s padesátičlenným orchestrem včetně.


 Jedine?ný ?ivý koncert, kde nejen, ?e usly?íte, ale i uvidíte splynutí metalové kapely s padesáti?lenným orchestrem v?etn?.



FreeMarker始终将文本视为UNICODE,因此不会生成问号.由于带重音的字母不是来自模板(如果我理解得很好),它一定是您的输出编码不正确.另请参见: http://freemarker.org/docs/app_faq.html#faq_questionmark

FreeMarker always treats text as UNICODE, so it doesn't generate question marks. Since the accented letters aren't coming from the templates (if I understand it well), it must be your output encoding that's improper. See also: http://freemarker.org/docs/app_faq.html#faq_questionmark

顺便说一句,getDefaultEncoding()在这方面没有作用.这会影响加载模板时使用的解码,但是您说的是带重音的字符不是来自模板文件,我也不认为您可以从解码中得到? -s(除非,对于无效的UTF而言) -8个字节的序列).从输出的编码开始,FreeMarker仅使用Writer(而不是OutputStream),因此它不会对此产生影响.

BTW, getDefaultEncoding() has no role in this. That influences the decoding used when you load the templates, but you are saying that the accented characters aren't coming from the template file, also I don't think you can get ?-s from decoding (unless, for invalid UTF-8 byte sequences). As of the encoding of the output, FreeMarker just uses a Writer (as opposed to an OutputStream), so it can't influence that.


08-29 02:50