




I need to convert ascii to hex values. Refer to the Ascii table but I have a few examples listed below:

  • ASCII 1 = 31

  • 2 = 32

  • 3 = 33

  • 4 = 34

  • 5 = 35

  • A = 41

  • A = 61等

  • ascii 1 = 31
  • 2 = 32
  • 3 = 33
  • 4 = 34
  • 5 = 35
  • A = 41
  • a = 61 etc

所以诠释测试= 12345;
需要得到转换I = 3132333435

But I am using int instead of string values. Is it possible to do that.Therefore int test = 12345;Need to get the converted i = 3132333435



string input = "12345";
string hex = string.Join(string.Empty,
    input.Select(c => ((int)c).ToString("X")).ToArray());


请注意:在C#4,调用.ToArray()是没有必要的,因为的string.join方法已重载接受的IEnumerable< T>

Note: in C# 4, the call to .ToArray() is not necessary because the string.Join method has been overloaded to accept IEnumerable<T>.

以上将真正的ASCII工作,因为第一UTF16 128代码点(在C#中的使用的编码字符串键入)具有相同的数值为ASCII,所以铸造C#字符 INT 的罚款。然而,经常被称作是ASCII实在是有些ANSI代码页(在美国,通常代码页1252,西欧(Windows的),其中有256码点,没有作为相同的值第二个128在UTF16使用。

The above will work for real ASCII, because the first 128 code points of UTF16 (the encoding used in C#'s string type) have the same numeric values as for ASCII, and so casting the C# char value to int is fine. However, often what is described as "ASCII" is really some ANSI code page (in the US, usually code page 1252, "Western European (Windows"), which has 256 code points, the second 128 not having the same values as that used in UTF16.

如果您正在处理的,或与此有关的任何其他代码页,你有文本为C#字符串,您可以应用相同的技术上面,除了使用编码类转换的C#字符串对象到字节[] 转换为十六进制前:

If you are dealing with that, or any other code page for that matter, and you have the text as a C# string, you can apply the same technique as above, except using the Encoding class to convert the C# string object to a byte[] before converting to hexadecimal:

string input = "12345";
// Replace 1252 with whatever code page you're using, if not that one
string hex = string.Join(string.Empty,
    Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetBytes(input).Select(b => b.ToString("X")).ToArray());



08-29 02:11