

我正在尝试制作一个JS函数,该函数选择所有以可变词(3或4个字母)开头的词,然后将其加粗。我在找到了合适的正则表达式但是当我尝试对其进行调整时(尤其是当我使用 new RegExp 时),它不再起作用。

I'm trying to make a JS function that select all the words beginning with a variable word (3 or 4 letters), and then bold them. I found a suitable regex here but when I try to tweak it (particularly when I use new RegExp), it doesn't work anymore.


A JSfiddle is here.



<div id="text1">#hallo, this is a test #john #doe with myWordOfTheYear</div>
<input type="text" id="input1" onkeyup="searchC(this.value);searchD(this.value);" size="100"/> <br />
Result of searchA function: <div id="testA"></div>
Result of searchB function: <div id="testB"></div>
Result of searchC function: <div id="testC"></div>



//function created from http://jsfiddle.net/BUC7L/
function searchA() {
    var s = document.getElementById('text1').innerHTML ;
    var re = /(?:^|\W)#(\w+)(?!\w)/g, match, matches = [];
    while (match = re.exec(s)) {
    document.getElementById('testA').innerHTML = matches;

//function where I just tried to rewrite it with 'RegExp'. This function does not work
function searchB() {
    var s = document.getElementById('text1').innerHTML ;
    var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\W)#(\w+)(?!\w)",g);
    var match, matches = [];
    while (match = re.exec(s)) {
    document.getElementById('testB').innerHTML = matches;

//function that shows a bit more my goal but does not work.
function searchC(wordInput) {
    var s = document.getElementById('text1').innerHTML ;
    var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\W)"+wordInput+"(\w+)(?!\w)","g");
    var match, matches = [];
    while (match = re.exec(s)) {
    document.getElementById('testC').innerHTML = matches;

//function that shows my specific goal but does not work.
function searchD(wordInput) {
    var s = document.getElementById('text1').innerHTML ;
    var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\W)"+wordInput+"(\w+)(?!\w)","g");
    document.getElementById('text').innerHTML.replace(re,'<b>'+re+'</b>'); //I know this line cannot work but I don't manage to find a way to do it, it's just to show what I want..


在字符串中使用时,您需要转义用于字符类的反斜杠模式。否则,JavaScript的字符串文字解析将把 \W 转换为字符串 W (因为它不是识别的转义序列),对 RegExp 构造函数没有特别的意义,只匹配W。

You need to escape the backslashes used for character classes when used in a string pattern. Otherwise, JavaScript's string literal parsing will turn "\W" into the string "W" (since it's not a recognized escape sequence), which is of no particular significance to the RegExp constructor and just matches W.

需要引用标志参数;裸露的 g 看起来像是一个符号,而不是它所需要的字符串,并且g的名称可能没有任何变量,因此它只是传入未定义

You also need to quote the flag argument; a bare g looks like a symbol, not the string it needs, and there is presumably no variable by the name of g, so it just passes in undefined.


Note that regex literal syntax, such as in searchA, does not use strings at any step and therefore does not use any of this. The constructor is most useful for cases where the string is coming from somewhere else: user input, config files, string concatenation with some existing data, or whatever.


In searchB, therefore, the correct syntax is this:

    var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\W)#(\\w+)(?!\\w)", "g");


08-29 02:05