本文介绍了POST JSON对象到aws lambda的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何通过aws API网关将json对象发布到aws lambda函数?

How can I post a json object to aws lambda function through aws API gateway ?


p.s.- My goal is to write the lambda function in python and then post it to aws SQS.



我想过出来。现在,我有一个API Gateway acceptiong客户端发布了指定格式的JSON数据,然后将其传递给AWS-Lambda函数,该函数将数据转储到AWS-SQS中。这些步骤将在下面详细说明 -

I figured it out. Now I have a API Gateway acceptiong client posted JSON data of a specified format and then passing it to a AWS-Lambda function which, dumps the data into a AWS-SQS. The steps are explained below in details-

第1步 -

创建一个任何支持的语言中的lambda函数(我使用过Python 3.6)。下面是一个示例代码。

Create a lambda function in any supported languages (I have used Python 3.6). Here is a sample code.

import boto3
import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    sqs = boto3.resource('sqs')

    queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName='userData')

    response = queue.send_message(MessageBody=json.dumps(event))

    return {


Note: I have imported both json and boto3 library which are available in aws context no need to add any more file. Also see that I have not specified any details for SQS other than the name because both of my Lambda function and SQS are in same AWS region. I am dumping the whole "event" variable to SQS as this only contains the posted JSON data.

第2步 -

现在在AWS控制台中转到API Gateway,然后创建一个新的API Gateway,然后在资源下创建一个POST操作。

Now in the AWS console goto "API Gateway" and then create a new API Gateway and then create a "POST" action under resources.


现在,在帖子操作下,点击整合请求。现在添加一个正文模板,就像下面给出的例子一样 -

Now, under the post action, click on "Integration request". Now add a body template to it like the example given below-

  "userMobile" : "$input.params('userMobile')",
  "ClientID" : "$input.params('ClientID')",
  "routeTitle" : "$input.params('routeTitle')"


Also, make sure that you have the "Integration Type" of your API as "Lambda" and the Lambda function we created in STEP-1 is connected to the API.

现在,我们差不多完成了。现在,我们所要做的就是为我们创建的API创建一个舞台并部署API。 ***

Now, we are almost done. now all we have to do is create a stage for the API that we have created and deploy the API. ***


Please note the HTTP URL of the API after deployment.



Now go to the "Simple Queuing Service (SQS)" and then create a simple SQS with keeping all the default parameters. Make sure the queue name is matching with the one you have provided in your Lambda function and both your Lambda function and your SQS are in same AWS region.

现在,您可以将POST JSON数据以相同的格式发送到您的API,您的Lambda函数会将其转储到SQS队列,您可以在那里查看数据。

Now, you can POST JSON data in the same format to your API and your Lambda function will dump it to the SQS queue, where you can go and view the data.


You can also test the API using tools like Fidler.


*** make sure to redeploy the API for every time you make a change to it.

这篇关于POST JSON对象到aws lambda的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 01:50