




I need to use an .accdb database, and to do that it needs to be imported into PostgreSQL. I believe this would be a simple and straightforward problem (I expected it had been already solved), but a simple solution escapes me.


I'll add that I don't have access to Access (lol), and my solution is loosely dependant on that. If thats impossible I can go find someone with access and get them to convert each table to .csv's or something like that.


您不需要在计算机上安装MS Access即可从Access数据库引擎文件中读取数据.

You don’t need MS Access installed on a computer to read data out of an Access Database Engine file.

自Windows 2000附带Access数据库引擎以来的所有Windows副本;但是,这将是Jet 4.0引擎,并且您将需要ACE(2007)引擎的组件.幸运的是,它可以从Microsoft的 2007 Office System驱动程序:数据连接组件.

All copies of windows since windows 2000 ships with the Access Database Engine; however this will be the Jet 4.0 engine and you will need the components for the ACE (2007) engine. Happily, it is available for download from Microsoft as 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components.

任何支持com对象的编程语言都将使您无需安装MS Access即可提取数据.您甚至可以在此处使用Windows脚本,甚至不用在Windows框中安装任何软件.

Any programming language that supports com objects will left you lift out data without having MS Access installed. You can even use windows scripting here and not even install ANY software on your windows box.

以下代码适用于Access数据库引擎的Jet mdb版本,但是您可以使用ACEDAO使其适应您的需求:

The following code is for the Jet mdb version of the Access Database Engine but you may be able to adapt it for your needs using ACEDAO:

  Set dbEng = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
  strMdbFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & _
               "Albert\My Documents\Access\" & _
  Set db = dbEng.OpenDatabase(strMdbFile)
  strQuery = "select * from contacts"
  Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strQuery)
  If rs.EOF = True Then
  End If

  strTextOut = "C:\t5.txt"
  Set fs = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  Set ts = fs.OpenTextFile(strTextOut, 2, True)
  '2 = write, 1 = read

  Do While rs.EOF = False
     strOutText = rs("LastName")
     ts.Writeline strOutText

但是,实际上,如果这是一次导出,那么找到具有MS Access副本的人将使这项工作减少,但是您可以读取访问文件而无需安装任何软件.实际上,如上所述,即使是初次安装Windows,也可以使用上面的Windows脚本文件,该文件也可以在没有安装任何软件的情况下运行.

However, really, if this is one time export, then finding someone with a copy of MS Access will make this less work, but you CAN read a access file without having to install ANY software. In fact, as noted above, even a virgin install of windows would allow you to use the above windows script file which also can be run without any software having been installed on the windows box.


08-29 01:47