



我有installshield 2016 Premier,并且我有一个使用com dll的.Net dll。我的应用程序是一个插件,因此主要exe文件(不是我的exe文件)正在Windows中查找mydll,即使myplugin位于程序文件中。当我使用 gacutil.exe -i mydll.dll时,它可以手动运行。那么dll不需要放在Windows文件夹中。

I have installshield 2016 premier and I have a .Net dll that uses a com dll. My application is a plugin so the main exe (its not my exe), is looking mydll in windows even myplugin is in program files. Manually when I use "gacutil.exe -i mydll.dll" it works. Then the dll is not need to be in windows folder.


So I tried also regasm but it did not work. So i have to register mydll into gac somehow.The target machine has not gacutil.exe so i cannot call basically from command.

我研究了installshield如何做到这一点,但效果不佳。我检查了自我注册和在构建时提取COM,但是没有用,并且在安装时出现错误(因为它不是纯com dll,它仅引用了具有嵌入式互操作类型的com dll)。当我选择.Net Com Interop设置是,然后installshield不能建立我的安装文件。

I looked at how installshield can do that but it did not work as well. I checked "self register" and "com extract at build" yes but did not work and i got an error while installing (because its not a pure com dll, it has only referenced a com dll with embed interop type). When I choose .Net Com Interop settings Yes, then installshield it not build my setup file.


So Is there anyway to register this dll during/end of installation?


Update: When i do "build and scan dependencies", it cannot find anything!


InstallShield 2019


InstallShield 2019

It support GAC registration. This is automatic.

与Com interop有关,您必须公开该方法:
当您注册COM Interop时,您的用户

Related to Com interop, you have to expose the method:When you register a COM Interop you users


You get a reg file. This reg file have to be created with InstallShield in order to intall properly the comm interop.





    "Assembly"="YourComInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1eedcf58a40cdb8"

    "Assembly"="YourComInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b1eedcf58a40cdb8"


    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{42532EFE-D9FF-4135-A9A7-677E54024A81}\Implemented Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45E7-B440-6E`enter code here`39B2CDBF29}]


08-29 01:13