本文介绍了克罗克福德的河内职能(摘自"The Good Parts")的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


此刻,我正在阅读道格拉斯·克罗克福德(Douglas Crockford)的书,河内塔的功能让我有些头疼.即使将内容记录到控制台,我也无法真正理解正在发生的事情.这是我添加的功能:

At the moment I'm reading Douglas Crockford's book, and the towers of hanoi function is a bit over my head. Even with logging stuff to the console I wasn't able to really understand what's going on. Here's the function with my additions:

var hanoi = function (disc, src, aux, dst) {
  console.log(src, dst);
  if (disc > 0) {
    hanoi(disc - 1, src, dst, aux);
    console.log('Move disc ' + disc + ' from ' + src + ' to ' + dst);
    hanoi(disc - 1, aux, src, dst);

hanoi(3, 'Src', 'Aux', 'Dst');


我很早就迷路了.在结果的第6行,它如何从Src Aux返回Src Dst?

And I'm lost at an early point. At line 6 of the results, how can it go back from Src Aux to Src Dst?


And how can the number of discs go up again once it has reached 0, when the function is only calling itself using "disc - 1"?



The confusion arises because the text representation of the output isn't the best way to understand recursion. The number of discs isn't "going up", rather it's hanoi(1) that continues to run once hanoi(0) is done.

我在 JSBin 中创建了一个修改后的示例,该示例以(某种)更漂亮的方式打印输出与空格.只有动作"实际上会做任何事情,其余各行只是递归调用,以解决较小的子问题,以便稍后解决整个问题.

I've created a modified example at JSBin that prints the output in a (somewhat) prettier way with spaces. Only the "moves" actually do anything, the rest of the lines are just recursive calls to solve smaller sub-problems in order to tackle the entire problem later.

您可能还想看看这个 Java小程序以图形方式显示算法的工作原理-可能更容易理解.

You might also want to have a look at this Java applet that graphically shows how the algorithm works - this might be easier to understand.

这篇关于克罗克福德的河内职能(摘自"The Good Parts")的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 01:10