本文介绍了如何添加ASP.NET 4.0的应用程序池的IIS 7,Windows 7的的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想一个开发项目迁移到Windows 7。
其中之一,我需要运行的应用程序的一件事就是选择ASP.NET v4.0的作为IIS中的应用程序池。

Configuring servers is not my strong suit by any means.I'm trying to move a development project to Windows 7.One of the things that I need to run the application is to select ASP.NET v4.0 as the application pool within IIS.


I went through the directions in the following link to make sure that the proper Application Development Options were selected:


这在 IIS管理器下,我选择应用程序池并只看到结果
- 经典.net程序池结果
- 默认应用

From within the IIS Manager, I select Application Pools and only see
- Classic .NET AppPool
- DefaultAppPool

- ASP.NET V4.0 结果
- ASP.NET v4.0的经典

I need to also be able to select from
- ASP.NET v4.0
- ASP.NET v4.0 Classic


How can I add these to the list of available application pools?


有可能到头来你需要安装.NET 4(也将为您创建一个新的应用程序池)

Chances are you need to install .NET 4 (Which will also create a new AppPool for you)


First make sure you have IIS installed then perform the following steps:

  1. 打开命令提示符(窗口 + 研究),然后键入 CMD 和preSS ENTER 结果

  2. 键入 CD C:\\ WINDOWS \\ Microsoft.NET \\框架\\ v4.0.30319 \\ 和preSS ENTER

  3. 键入 ASPNET_REGIIS.EXE -ir 和preSS ENTER 一次。

    • 如果这是IIS的最新版本(在其上运行任何其他网站)或者你不担心托管站点,你可以使用一个框架的变化打破 -i 而不是 -ir 。这将改变他们的AppPools为您和5步上不应该是必要的。

    • 在这一点上,你会看到它开始在安装.NET的框架,以IIS为您
    • 工作
  1. Open your command prompt ( + ) and type cmd and press
  2. Type cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ and press .
  3. Type aspnet_regiis.exe -ir and press again.
    • If this is a fresh version of IIS (no other sites running on it) or you're not worried about the hosted sites breaking with a framework change you can use -i instead of -ir. This will change their AppPools for you and steps 5-on shouldn't be necessary.
    • at this point you will see it begin working on installing .NET's framework in to IIS for you

  • 您现在将有专门为IIS内容窗口内的一个新的小程序。

(您可以重复步骤7对要在以及应用.NET 4的每个站点)。

(You can repeat steps 7-on for every site you want to apply .NET 4 on as well).


  1. 结果

  2. 结果

  3. 结果
    对于那些可能想知道是什么 -ir -i 做(或它们之间的区别),或者其他什么可供选择。的(我通常使用 -ir 来prevent当前从打破框架的变化正在运行的所有旧网站,但是这取决于你。)

  1. .NET 4 Framework
    The framework for those that don't already have it.
  2. How do I run a command with elevated privileges?
    Directions on how to run the command prompt with Administrator rights.
  3. aspnet_regiis.exe options
    For those that might want to know what -ir or -i does (or the difference between them) or what other options are available. (I typically use -ir to prevent any older sites currently running from breaking on a framework change but that's up to you.)

这篇关于如何添加ASP.NET 4.0的应用程序池的IIS 7,Windows 7的的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 00:45