I am trying to produce a database to manage maintenance of equipment. I have two tables:
- 一个(库存),其中包含每台设备的详细信息,包括购买日期和服务期限,
- 一个包含完成工作的详细信息( WorkDone ),包括完成工作的日期( Work Date ).
- One (Inventory) containing details of each piece of equipment, including Purchase Date and Service Period,
- One containing details of work done (WorkDone), including the date the work was carried out (Work Date).
I would like a query that displays the date that it should be next serviced. So far I have:
SELECT Max(DateAdd('m', [Inventory].[Service Period],
[WorkDone].[Work Date])) AS NextServiceDate,
FROM Inventory INNER JOIN WorkDone ON Inventory.ID = WorkDone.Equipment
GROUP BY Inventory.Equipement
只要已为给定设备记录了已完成的某些工作,此方法就很好用.如果未执行任何工作,我希望 NextServiceDat e也显示
This works well as long as some work done has been registered for a given piece of equipment. If no work has been carried out I would like the NextServiceDate to also show
DateAdd('m',[Inventory].[Service Period], [Inventory].[Purchase Date])
However, I cannot work out how to get SQL/MS access to compare two values and only display the greater of the two. From reading around I think I should be able to do a sub-query, but I cannot work out how to phase it.
I've been trying to adapt @MikeTeeVee's answer from here: Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?. But I keep getting errors saying that query is not part of an aggregate function and I'm not certain what I doing wrong. For example, I tried:
SELECT Inventory.Equipement,
(Max(DateAdd('m', Inventory.[Service Period], WorkDone.[Work Date]))),
(DateAdd('m', Inventory.[Service Period], Inventory.[Purchase Date])))
) AS NextServiceDate,
FROM Inventory INNER JOIN WorkDone ON Inventory.ID = WorkDone.Equipment
GROUP BY Inventory.Equipement
返回匹配或不匹配的记录,其中记录用NULL填充,然后使用 NZ():
Consider a LEFT JOIN
to return matched or unmatched records where latter is filled with NULLs, and then run your aggregate, MAX
, with an NZ():
SELECT Max(NZ(DateAdd('m', i.[Service Period], w.[Work Date]),
DateAdd('m', i.[Service Period], i.[Purchase Date]))
) AS NextServiceDate, i.Equipement
FROM Inventory i LEFT JOIN WorkDone w ON i.ID = w.Equipment
GROUP BY i.Equipement
这篇关于MS Access/SQL子查询的语法,包括聚合函数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!