本文介绍了Web SDK的先决条件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


Web SDK先决条件提到了一系列要运行的Powershell命令。这些命令抛出异常。是否必须为此下载Skype ForBusiness Online Poweshell模块?

The Web SDK pre-requisites mention a series of Powershell commands to be run. The commands are throwing an exception. Is it mandatory to download Skype ForBusiness Online Poweshell module for the same?

是否应在具有Skype For Business的远程系统上运行先决条件?

Are the prerequisite conditions supposed to be run on a remote system with Skype For Business?

如果未安装Skype for Business客户端,那么web sdk如何工作?作为先决条件,似乎有点令人困惑的升级服务器。

If the Skype for Business client is not installed, how does the web sdk work? Seems a little confusing with the upgrading server as a prerequisite.


您不需要Skype for Business客户端。 Skype Web SDK是一个客户端API,旨在充当客户端。 API是javascript和HTML 5.它与您的Skype for Business环境进行通信,这就是一个要求。

You do not need the Skype for Business client. The Skype Web SDK is a client API designed to act as a client. The API is javascript and HTML 5. It communicates with your Skype for Business environment, which is why that is a requirement.

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08-29 00:16