

我正在尝试使用Visual Studio 2017中的内置探查器对应用程序进行探查:

I am trying to profile my application using the built-in profiler in Visual Studio 2017:


However when I close the application, this is what appears:


This is what I see in output window:

Profiling of 'MyProjectName' started.
MyProjectName has exited.
Profiling of 'MyProjectName' stopped.
Diagnostics session stopped with errors.

Merging of ETL files has failed (0x80071069) (Flags: 0x0000001f).

怎么了?我正在Windows 7 x64上运行MS Visual Studio Community 2017.我正在分析C ++ Qt应用程序.

What's wrong? I am running MS Visual Studio Community 2017 on Windows 7 x64. I am profiling C++ Qt application.


我遇到了与此完全相同的错误代码0x80071069的问题.我注意到我的WMI Performance Adapter Service(wmiApSrv)已停止.重新启动它可以解决我的问题,并且我能够成功地分析我的应用程序.

I had this issue with that exact same error code 0x80071069. I noticed my WMI Performance Adapter Service (wmiApSrv) was stopped. Starting it back up resolved my issue and I was able to successfully profile my application.


In the past I had seen a similar error caused by my C: drive running low on space due to the size of the temp trace files. Make sure you have plenty of free space in your C drive as well.


08-29 00:14