

本文介绍了使用WinDbg调试Azure App Service-无法加载clr.dll的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我从Azure App Service中获得了完整的小型转储.它带有.dmp文件,sos.dll和mscordacwks.dll.

I have a full minidump from an Azure App Service.  It comes with the .dmp file, sos.dll and mscordacwks.dll.

我有WinDbg-x86是可以打开此转储文件的版本.然后,我使用.load c:\ path \ to \ sos.dll.  这不会产生错误,但也不会产生其他输出.

I have WinDbg - x86 is the version that can open this dump file.  I then use .load c:\path\to\sos.dll.  This doesn't give an error, but no other output, either.


The next suggested command, !sos.threads, gives:


Failed to find runtime DLL (clr.dll), 0x80004005
Extension commands need clr.dll in order to have something to do.


I have tried .load directly on mscordacwks.dll, renaming it to clr.dll.  I've copied that file into my symbols path, and renaming it to mscordaccore_X86_X86_4.6.24628.01.dll, which came up at one point during my quest here.

我也尝试过运行DebugDiag 2分析工具,但是它说尽管它位于同一个文件夹中,也不能在其位于符号路径中时重加载,也无法重载mscordacwks,甚至在将其重命名为上述特定版本时也是如此.这里也列出了.

I've also tried running the DebugDiag 2 analysis tool, but it says it can't load mscordacwks, despite it being in the same folder, also when it's in the symbol path, also when it's renamed to that specific version above which is listed here too.

我只想知道为什么我的App Service在随机的时间后卡在100%CPU上!  下一步可以尝试什么?

I just want to know why my App Service gets stuck at 100% CPU after a random amount of time!  What next steps can I try?


您是否尝试过DumpChk 来分析您的故障转储文件?它使您可以查看有关转储文件包含内容的摘要信息.如果转储文件损坏的方式使其无法由调试器打开,则DumpChk会揭示这一事实.

Have you tried DumpChk to analysis of your crash dump file? It enables you to see summary information about what the dump file contains.  If the dump file is corrupt in such a way that it cannot be opened by a debugger, DumpChk reveals this fact.

>>>>>"我只是想知道为什么我的App Service在随机的时间后会卡在100%CPU上!  我可以尝试哪些下一步?"

>>"I just want to know why my App Service gets stuck at 100% CPU after a random amount of time!  What next steps can I try?"

Azure App Service提供了3种方法来在Azure App Service中分析进程并获取CPU使用率报告.

Azure App Service provides 3 ways to profile a process in Azure App Service and get the CPU usage report. 

  • 使用Visual Studio 2015
  • 浏览Azure App Service的站点控制管理仪表板(aka kudu)
  • 使用REST API


Maybe you could get something from these report. For more information, link below is for your reference.



Best Regards,
Li Wang

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08-29 00:01