

假设您在A类中编写方法 foo(),foo不会访问任何A的状态。你对foo的作用或行为方式一无所知。它可以做任何事情。

Say you're writing method foo() in class A. foo doesn't ever access any of A's state. You know nothing else about what foo does, or how it behaves. It could do anything.


Should foo always be static, regardless of any other considerations? Why not?


It seems my classes are always accumulating many private helper methods, as I break tasks down and apply the only-write-it-once principle. Most of these don't rely on the object's state, but would never be useful outside of the class's own methods. Should they be static by default? Is it wrong to end up with a large number of internal static methods?


要回答关于标题的问题,一般来说,Java方法默认情况下应该是静态的。 Java是一种面向对象的语言。

To answer the question on the title, in general, Java methods should not be static by default. Java is an object-oriented language.


However, what you talk about is a bit different. You talk specifically of helper methods.

对于辅助方法,只需将值作为参数并返回一个值,而不访问状态,他们 应该是静态的 。私人和静态。让我强调一下:

In the case of helper methods that just take values as parameters and return a value, without accessing state, they should be static. Private and static. Let me emphasize it:


将这些方法设为静态至少具有一个主要优势:在代码中使其完全明确 该方法不需要知道任何实例状态


The code speaks for itself. Things become more obvious for other people that will read your code, and even for you in some point in the future.


If you make sure the method does not depend on external or global state, then it is a pure function, ie, a function in the mathematical sense: for the same input, you can be certain to obtain always the same output.

如果方法是静态的并且是纯函数,那么在某些情况下它可能是 以获得一些性能提升(更改使用更多内存)。

If the method is static and is a pure function, then in some cases it could be memoized to obtain some performance gains (in change of using more memory).


At the bytecode level, if you declare the helper method as an instance method or as a static method, you obtain two completely different things.


To help make this section easier to understand, let's use an example:

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        WithoutStaticMethods without = new WithoutStaticMethods();

        WithStaticMethods with = new WithStaticMethods();

class WithoutStaticMethods {

    private int value;

    private int helper(int a, int b) {
        return a * b + 1;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public int calculate() {
        return helper(value, 2 * value);

class WithStaticMethods {

    private int value;

    private static int helper(int a, int b) {
        return a * b + 1;

    public int getValue() {
        return value;

    public void setValue(int value) {
        this.value = value;

    public int calculate() {
        return helper(value, 2 * value);

我们感兴趣的行是对帮助(...)关于类 WithoutStaticMethods WithStaticMethods

The lines we are interested in are the calls to helper(...) on the classes WithoutStaticMethods and WithStaticMethods.

在第一种情况下,没有静态方法,当你调用helper方法时JVM需要将对实例的引用推送到 invokespecial 。看一下 calculate()方法的代码:

In the first case, without static methods, when you call the helper method the JVM needs to push the reference to the instance to pass it to invokespecial. Take a look at the code of the calculate() method:

 0 aload_0
 1 aload_0
 2 getfield #2 <app/WithoutStaticMethods.value>
 5 iconst_2
 6 aload_0
 7 getfield #2 <app/WithoutStaticMethods.value>
10 imul
11 invokespecial #3 <app/WithoutStaticMethods.helper>
14 ireturn

0(或1)的指令, aload_0 ,将加载对堆栈上实例的引用,稍后将被 invokespecial 消耗。该指令将该值作为 helper(...)函数的第一个参数,并且从不使用它,如下所示:

The instruction at 0 (or 1), aload_0, will load the reference to the instance on the stack, and it will be consumed later by invokespecial. This instruction will put that value as the first parameter of the helper(...) function, and it is never used, as we can see here:

0 iload_1
1 iload_2
2 imul
3 iconst_1
4 iadd
5 ireturn

看到没有 iload_0 ?它已被不必要地加载。

See there's no iload_0? It has been loaded unnecessarily.

现在,如果你声明了辅助方法,静态,那么 calculate()方法将如下所示:

Now, if you declare the helper method, static, then the calculate() method will look like:

 0 aload_0
 1 getfield #2 <app/WithStaticMethods.value>
 4 iconst_2
 5 aload_0
 6 getfield #2 <app/WithStaticMethods.value>
 9 imul
10 invokestatic #3 <app/WithStaticMethods.helper>
13 ireturn


  • 少了一个 aload_0 指令

  • 现在用<$ c调用辅助方法$ c> invokestatic

  • there's one less aload_0 instruction
  • the helper method is now called with invokestatic


Well, the code of the helper function is also a little bit different: there's no this as the first parameter, so the parameters are actually at positions 0 and 1, as we can see here:

0 iload_0
1 iload_1
2 imul
3 iconst_1
4 iadd
5 ireturn




From the code design angle, it makes much more sense to declare the helper method static: the code speaks for itself, it contains more useful information. It states that it does not need instance state to work.


At the bytecode level, it is much more clear what is happening, and there's no useless code (that, although I believe the JIT has no way to optimize it, would not incur a significant performance cost).


08-28 23:04