A BLE advertisement can send out 31 bytes at max. Inside an advertisement, there might be several ADs.
I'm wondering whether it is valid to make an advertisement contains just one Manufacturer Specific Data AD, and whether this kind of AD can fill up all the 31 bytes(1 byte of length field, 1 byte of type field(0xff), 2 bytes of CIC and 27 bytes of custom data).
Is the Bluetooth Core Specification or any other specification specify this?
从规范-蓝牙核心规范补充版本4 A部分1.4 :
The Manufacturer Specific data type is used for manufacturer specific data. The first two data octets shall contain a company identifier code from the Assigned Numbers - Company Identifiers document. The interpretation of any other octets within the data shall be defined by the manufacturer specified by the company identifier.
1.4.2 Format Data Type <>
说明:大小: 2个或更多八位字节前2个八位字节包含公司标识符代码,后跟其他制造商特定的代码数据
Description: Size: 2 or more octets The first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by additional manufacturer specific data
Table 1.4: Manufacturer Specific Data Type
So there is no limit except the advertising packet length itself, which is 31 bytes per advertising data and another 31 bytes for scan response.
在广告数据的开头,要求具有Flags广告类型的3个字节(对于任何非零长度广告都是必需的,请参见 Core V4.0第3卷C部分11.1.3 ),将您的广告数据长度减少了3.
There is the requirement for the 3 bytes at the beginning of advertising data that have the Flags ad type (required for any non-zero length advertising, see Core V4.0 Volume 3 Part C 11.1.3), reducing your advertising data length by 3.
Then there is the manufacturing ad type flags and length that get added to your manufacturing data, minus another 2 bytes. This leaves you with:
- 广告数据中
- 26个字节或
- 扫描响应中的29个字节
for manufacturing data itself (although two of those bytes should be used for specifying the Company Identifier Code) which would bring it to:
- 广告数据中
- 24个字节的实际数据或 扫描响应中
- 27个字节.