




So, I've noticed that I definitely have a tendency to pattern my Spring/Hibernate stack objects like this:

  • Foo控制器调用"FooService"
  • FooService调用FooRepository.getById()方法来获取一些Foos.
  • FooRepository进行一些Hibernate调用以加载Foo对象.
  • FooService与Foos进行了一些交互.它可以使用相关的TransactionalFooService来处理需要在事务中一起完成的事情.
  • FooService要求FooRepository保存Foos.


The problem here is that the Foos don't have any real logic. For example, if an email needs to be sent every time a Foo expires, there's not a call to Foo.expire(). There's a call to FooService.expireFoo(fooId). This is for a variety of reasons:

  • 从Foo获取其他服务和对象很烦人.它不是Spring bean,而是由Hibernate加载的.
  • 让Foo进行事务性事务很烦人.
  • 很难决定Foo是否应该负责选择何时保存自己.如果调用foo.setName(),foo是否应该保留更改?它应该等到您调用foo.save()吗? foo.save()是否应该仅调用FooRepository.save(this)?


So for these sorts of reasons, my Spring domain objects tend to be basically glorified structs with some validation logic. Maybe this is okay. Maybe web services are okay as procedural code. Maybe as new features get written, it's acceptable to create new services that deal with the same old objects in new ways.


But I'd like to escape from this sort of design, and I'm wondering what other Spring uses do about it? Do you combat it with fancy tricks like load-time weaving (which I'm not that comfortable with)? Do you have some other trick? Do you think procedural is fine?



You can get Spring to inject your services into your Hibernate instantiated instances, using AOP. You can also get Hibernate to do the same, using Interceptors.

请参见 http://www.jblewitt.com/blog/?p=129


Regarding "It's annoying to get a Foo to do several somethings transactionally", I would expect your service implementations would know/care about the transactions, and if you're now using the service interfaces within your domain model, that should now be not quite so annoying.


I suspect that deciding when a domain model should be saved is dependent upon what it is and what you're doing with it.


FWIW I have a tendency to produce just the same sort of anemic structures, but I'm getting there, now I know it's possible to do it a more sensible way.


08-28 22:35