我很想知道,在各自的基于视觉的移动增强现实框架的优点和缺点?对于应该怎样决定在哪些情况下?你会选择 Vuforia 在任何情况下,因为它是免费的,没有品牌?什么是重要的功能是在框架中的一个缺失?有没有在免费版本中的 Metaio SDK (除了品牌和Metaio闪屏)?
I would be interested to know, where are the advantages and disadvantages of each vision-based mobile Augmented Reality Frameworks? For what should be decide in which case? Would you choose Vuforia in any case, because it is free and without branding? What are important features are missing in one of the frameworks? Are there limits on the free version of Metaio SDK (except branding and Metaio splash-screen)?
I think these are the most important Frameworks to support iOS and Android. I know that metaio support movie textures and MD2 (Animation) Export and Vuforia not (at least not in the basic state).
下面是3个小时的会议审查了市场上最好的移动AR软件开发工具包,以及如何开始使用它们: 教程:十大增强现实的SDK为开发者
Here is a 3 hour session reviewed the best Mobile AR SDKs in the market and how to get started with them: Tutorial: Top 10 Augmented Reality SDKs for Developers
您也应该检查出 ARLab 从增强现实实验室SL 这有不同的AR-的SDK的AR浏览器,图像匹配,图像跟踪,3D引擎,虚拟按键。但是,这不是免费的。
You should also check out ARLab from Augmented Reality Lab S.L. This has different AR-SDKs for AR Browser, Image Matching, Image Tracking, 3D engine, Virtual buttons. But this is not free.
Wikitude的 建筑师SDK 有Vuforia拓和黑莓10的支持。这也可能是很有意思的。
Wikitude's ARchitect SDK has an Vuforia-Extension and Blackberry 10 Support. This could also be very interesting.
在 拉亚SDK 现在可用于iOS和用的Android 3D,动画,AR视频和QR- code扫描仪
The Layar SDK is now available for iOS and Android with 3D, animation, AR Video and QR-Code Scanner
DARAM 也出现了良好的SDK为Android ,的iOS,Windows 8的和Mac。
DARAM also appears a good SDK for Android, iOS, Windows 8 and Mac.
ARPA 拥有一支团结,插件和谷歌玻璃SDK。
ARPA has a Unity-Plugin and a Google Glass SDK.
下面是一个很好的 对比图 一>增强现实软件开发工具包和框架
Here is a good comparison chart for Augmented Reality SDKs and frameworks
苹果已经收购Metaio。 Metaio的前途未卜。 (2015年5月28日)
Apple has acquired Metaio. Metaio's future uncertain. (May 28, 2015)
魔术飞跃一> 宣布其增强现实技术开发SDK的虚幻和统一
Magic Leap Announces Its Augmented Reality Developer SDK for Unreal and Unity
Vuforia 现在已支付的许可,并演示应用程序没有能力他们无成本的入门计划水印 - 现在看来只有在第一个应用程序推出一个特别的日子。这是支持谁想要做演示,客户开发,而不显示水印。 (2015年5月6日),高通出售其Vuforia业务PTC(2015年10月12号)
Vuforia now has paid licensing and ability to demo apps without a watermark on their no-cost Starter plan – it now appears only during the first app launch in a particular day. This is to support developers who want to do demos to clients without showing the watermark. (May 6, 2015), Qualcomm sell its Vuforia business to PTC (Oct 12, 2015)
I've used both D'Fusion and Vuforia and here are my feedbacks
D'融合(Total Immersion的)
D’Fusion (Total Immersion)
D’Fusion solution is a cross-platform tool which mainly supports Web, iPhone, Android plateforms. Main features are the followings:
- 这是更多的用户界面基于(D'融合工作室和放大器; D'融合CV),并通过GUI来构建整个场景
- 在场景智能是用LUA
- 使您能够看到D'融合工作室工具的情况下的preVIEW
- 在OS独立的(一个捆绑方案能够同时兼容Android的&放大器; iPhone)
- Plug'N播放(只是复制粘贴在项目中更新的情况下)
- 在兼容搅拌机和Maya出口(OrgreMax)
- 支持多标签和脸部追踪
- 支持Unity3D
- 在安卓(JNI)和iPhone(库)已经precompiled
Vuforia (Qualcomm)
Vuforia supports almost the same features and plateforms such as Android and iPhone but is more code base oriented :
- Vuforia和FastCV工具不具备的UI界面
- 情景智力是在Android和对象 - C / C ++(.mm)对iPhone做用JNI
- 这是不太OS独立的,因为这两个codeS已经做
- 3D对象通过code发(顶点数组中的.h)
- 支持多标签和脸部追踪
- 支持Unity3D
- 与NinivehGL 3D引擎完美的作品
- 在安卓(JNI)和iPhone(库),需要重新编译
- 跟踪更加稳定,抖动小于D'融合
这篇关于高通的Vuforia(QCAR)与Metaio SDK与D'融合移动与拉亚SDK的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!