


 #include< bits / stdc ++。h& 
using namespace std;
#define st first
#define nd second

pair< int,int> pointsA [1000001];
pair< int,int> pointsB [1000001];

int main(){
int n,t;
unsigned long long dist;

scanf(%d,& t);

while(t - > 0){
dist = 4000000000LL;
scanf(%d,& n);

for(int i = 0; i scanf(%d%d,& pointsA [i] .st,& pointsA [i ] .nd);

for(int i = 0; i scanf(%d%d,& pointsB [i] & pointsB [i] .nd);

for(int i = 0; i for(int j = 0; j if(abs(pointsA [i] .st-pointsB [j] .st)+ abs(pointsA [i] .nd- pointsB [j] .nd) dist = abs [i] .st - pointsB [j] .st)+ abs(pointsA [i] .nd - pointsB [j] .nd);

我的代码在O n ^ 2),但太慢了。我不知道它是否有用,但y在pointsA总是> 0和y在pointsB总是<我的代码比较实际距离到下一个,并选择最小。



-2 2
1 3
3 1
0 -1
-1 -2
1 -2
1 1
-1 -1

$ b b


manhattan_dist c>因此,它不适用于 unsigned long long ):

  #include< cstdlib> 
#include< cstdio>
#include< cassert>
#include< vector>
#include< limits>
#include< algorithm>

typedef std :: pair< int,int>点;
typedef std :: vector< std :: pair< int,int> >点列表;

static inline bool cmp_by_x(const Point& a,const Point& b)
if(a.first< b.first){
return true;
} else if(a.first> b.first){
return false;
} else {
return a.second<秒;

static inline bool cmp_by_y(const Point& a,const Point& b)
if(a.second< ; b.second){
return true;
} else if(a.second> b.second){
return false;
} else {
return a.first<第一;

static inline unsigned manhattan_dist(const Point& a,const Point& b)
return std :: abs a.first-b.first)+
std :: abs(a.second - b.second);

int main()
unsigned int n_iter = 0;
if(scanf(%u,& n_iter)!= 1){
std :: abort();
for(unsigned i = 0; i unsigned int N = 0;
if(scanf(%u,& N)!= 1){
std :: abort();
if(N == 0){
PointsList pointsA(N);
for(PointsList :: iterator it = pointsA.begin(),endi = pointsA.end(); it!= endi; ++ it){
if(scanf(%d%d ,& it-> first,& it-> second)!= 2){
std :: abort();
assert(it-> second> 0);
PointsList pointsB(N);
for(PointsList :: iterator it = pointsB.begin(),endi = pointsB.end(); it!= endi; ++ it){
if(scanf(%d%d ,& it-> first,& it-> second)!= 2){
std :: abort();
assert(it-> second< 0);

std :: sort(pointsA.begin(),pointsA.end(),cmp_by_y);
std :: sort(pointsB.begin(),pointsB.end(),cmp_by_y);
const PointsList :: const_iterator min_a_by_y = pointsA.begin();
const PointsList :: const_iterator max_b_by_y =(pointsB.rbegin()+ 1).base();
assert(* max_b_by_y == pointsB.back());

unsigned dist = manhattan_dist(* min_a_by_y,* max_b_by_y);
const unsigned diff_x = std :: abs(min_a_by_y-> first - max_b_by_y-> first);
const unsigned best_diff_y = dist - diff_x;

const int max_y_for_a = max_b_by_y-> second + dist;
const int min_y_for_b = min_a_by_y-> second - dist;
PointsList :: iterator it;
for(it = pointsA.begin()+ 1; it!= pointsA.end()&& it-> second< = max_y_for_a; ++ it){
if(it!= pointsA.end()){

PointsList :: reverse_iterator rit;
for(rit = pointsB.rbegin()+ 1; rit!= pointsB.rend()& rit-> second> = min_y_for_b; ++ rit){
if(rit!= pointsB.rend()){
pointsB.erase(pointsB.begin(),(rit + 1).base());
std :: sort(pointsA.begin(),pointsA.end(),cmp_by_x);
std :: sort(pointsB.begin(),pointsB.end(),cmp_by_x);

for(size_t j = 0; diff_x> 0&& j< pointsA.size(); ++ j){
const Point& cur_a_point = pointsA [j ];
assert(max_y_for_a> = cur_a_point.second);
const int diff_x = dist - best_diff_y;
const int min_x = cur_a_point.first - diff_x + 1;
const int max_x = cur_a_point.first + diff_x - 1;

const Point search_term = std :: make_pair(max_x,std :: numeric_limits< int> :: min());
PointsList :: const_iterator may_be_near_it = std :: lower_bound(pointsB.begin(),pointsB.end(),search_term,cmp_by_x);

for(PointsList :: const_reverse_iterator rit(may_be_near_it); rit!= pointsB.rend()& rit-> first> = min_x; ++ rit){
const unsigned cur_dist = manhattan_dist(cur_a_point,* rit);
if(cur_dist< dist){
dist = cur_dist;

我的机器上的基准测试(Linux + i7 2.70 GHz + gcc -Ofast -march = native):

  $ make bench 
time ./test1< data.txt> test1_res

real 0m7.846s
sys 0m0.000s
time ./test2< data.txt> test2_res

real 0m0.605s
sys 0m0.010s

test1 是您的变体, test2 是我的。

I am trying to find the minimal distance in the Manhattan metric (x,y). I am searching for information about this. But I haven't found anything.

using namespace std;
#define st first
#define nd second

pair<int, int> pointsA[1000001];
pair<int, int> pointsB[1000001];

int main() {
    int n, t;
    unsigned long long dist;

    scanf("%d", &t);

    while(t-->0) {
        dist = 4000000000LL;
        scanf("%d", &n);

        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            scanf("%d%d", &pointsA[i].st, &pointsA[i].nd);

        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            scanf("%d%d", &pointsB[i].st, &pointsB[i].nd);

        for(int i = 0; i < n ;i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < n ; j++) {
                if(abs(pointsA[i].st - pointsB[j].st) + abs(pointsA[i].nd - pointsB[j].nd) < dist) {
                    dist = abs(pointsA[i].st - pointsB[j].st) + abs(pointsA[i].nd - pointsB[j].nd);
            printf("%lld\n", dist);

My code works in O(n^2) but is too slow. I do not know whether it will be useful but y in pointsA always be > 0 and y in pointsB always be < 0. My code compare actually distance to next and chose smallest.

for example:


-2 2
1 3
3 1
0 -1
-1 -2
1 -2
1 1
-1 -1



My solution (note for simplicity I do not care about overflow in manhattan_dist and for that reason it does not work with unsigned long long):

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>

typedef std::pair<int, int> Point;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<int, int> > PointsList;

static inline bool cmp_by_x(const Point &a, const Point &b)
    if (a.first < b.first) {
        return true;
    } else if (a.first > b.first) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return a.second < b.second;

static inline bool cmp_by_y(const Point &a, const Point &b)
    if (a.second < b.second) {
        return true;
    } else if (a.second > b.second) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return a.first < b.first;

static inline unsigned manhattan_dist(const Point &a, const Point &b)
    return std::abs(a.first - b.first) +
        std::abs(a.second - b.second);

int main()
    unsigned int n_iter = 0;
    if (scanf("%u", &n_iter) != 1) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_iter; ++i) {
        unsigned int N = 0;
        if (scanf("%u", &N) != 1) {
        if (N == 0) {
        PointsList pointsA(N);
        for (PointsList::iterator it = pointsA.begin(), endi = pointsA.end(); it != endi; ++it) {
            if (scanf("%d%d", &it->first, &it->second) != 2) {
            assert(it->second > 0);
        PointsList pointsB(N);
        for (PointsList::iterator it = pointsB.begin(), endi = pointsB.end(); it != endi; ++it) {
            if (scanf("%d%d", &it->first, &it->second) != 2) {
            assert(it->second < 0);

        std::sort(pointsA.begin(), pointsA.end(), cmp_by_y);
        std::sort(pointsB.begin(), pointsB.end(), cmp_by_y);
        const PointsList::const_iterator min_a_by_y = pointsA.begin();
        const PointsList::const_iterator max_b_by_y = (pointsB.rbegin() + 1).base();
        assert(*max_b_by_y == pointsB.back());

        unsigned dist = manhattan_dist(*min_a_by_y, *max_b_by_y);
        const unsigned diff_x = std::abs(min_a_by_y->first - max_b_by_y->first);
        const unsigned best_diff_y = dist - diff_x;

        const int max_y_for_a = max_b_by_y->second + dist;
        const int min_y_for_b = min_a_by_y->second - dist;
        PointsList::iterator it;
        for (it = pointsA.begin() + 1; it != pointsA.end() && it->second <= max_y_for_a; ++it) {
        if (it != pointsA.end()) {
            pointsA.erase(it, pointsA.end());

        PointsList::reverse_iterator rit;
        for (rit = pointsB.rbegin() + 1; rit != pointsB.rend() && rit->second >= min_y_for_b; ++rit) {
        if (rit != pointsB.rend()) {
            pointsB.erase(pointsB.begin(), (rit + 1).base());
        std::sort(pointsA.begin(), pointsA.end(), cmp_by_x);
        std::sort(pointsB.begin(), pointsB.end(), cmp_by_x);

        for (size_t j = 0; diff_x > 0 && j < pointsA.size(); ++j) {
            const Point &cur_a_point = pointsA[j];
            assert(max_y_for_a >= cur_a_point.second);
            const int diff_x = dist - best_diff_y;
            const int min_x = cur_a_point.first - diff_x + 1;
            const int max_x = cur_a_point.first + diff_x - 1;

            const Point search_term = std::make_pair(max_x, std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
            PointsList::const_iterator may_be_near_it = std::lower_bound(pointsB.begin(), pointsB.end(), search_term, cmp_by_x);

            for (PointsList::const_reverse_iterator rit(may_be_near_it); rit != pointsB.rend() && rit->first >= min_x; ++rit) {
                const unsigned cur_dist = manhattan_dist(cur_a_point, *rit);
                if (cur_dist < dist) {
                    dist = cur_dist;
        printf("%u\n", dist);

Benchmark on my machine (Linux + i7 2.70 GHz + gcc -Ofast -march=native):

$ make bench
time ./test1 < data.txt  > test1_res

real    0m7.846s
user    0m7.820s
sys     0m0.000s
time ./test2 < data.txt  > test2_res

real    0m0.605s
user    0m0.590s
sys     0m0.010s

test1 is your variant, and test2 is mine.


08-28 22:17