

好的,所以我昨天问了这个问题,并根据我的指示修改了它.当列表中有项目时,它的工作方式与我想要的方式相同,但是当值为0时,它表示为false,因此or不会增加任何影响.我不希望当项目计数为0时我需要它显示0.00.我知道0 = false这就是原因或开始之处.有什么帮助/解决方法吗?

Okay so i asked this question yesterday and revised it based on the direction i was pointed. It works the way i want it when there are items in the list but, when there is 0 it evals to false so the or kicks in no mater what. I don't want that i need it to show 0.00 when the item count is at 0. I know that 0=false that's why or kicks in. Any help/workaround?

var dropResult;
$(function (){
        dropResult = $("input[name=drop]:checked").val();

function dropCalculate() {
    var pricesObj = {
        var dropAmount = $(".itemadd", "#items").length;
        $("#dropAmount").html("Total: " + dropAmount);
        if (dropResult == 1) {
            dropTotal = (pricesObj[dropAmount] * dropAmount) || 450 + (150 * dropAmount - 150);
            $("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + dropTotal.toFixed(2));
        }else {
            dropTotal = (pricesObj[dropAmount] * dropAmount / 2) || 225 + (75 * dropAmount - 75);
            $("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + dropTotal.toFixed(2));



You might get a better response over at the Code Review Stack Exchange on questions where you don't have an immediate problem, but feel that you could improve your code design.


The following code should do the same thing as the code in your example, but I think it's more readable. An object doesn't seem to be necessary for this use case, but may be useful in the future.

再次,我应用了 DRY原则,这次我删除了魔术数字(代码中没有立即明确含义的数字).

Again, I applied the DRY Principle, and this time I removed Magic Numbers(numbers in the code with no immediately clear meaning).

var dropResult;
$(function (){
        dropResult = $("input[name=drop]:checked").val();

function dropCalculate(fullPrice) {
        var halfPrice = fullPrice / 2,
            quarterPrice = halfPrice / 2,
            dropAmount = $(".itemadd", "#items").length,
            finalPrice = 0.00;

        if(dropAmount > 0){
          if (dropResult === 1) {
             finalPrice = fullPrice; //the rest of this line was not necessary, as dropAmount - 1 is always 0 here.
          } else {
             finalPrice = halfPrice + (quarterPrice * (dropAmount - 1));

        $("#dropAmount").html("Total: " + dropAmount);
        $("#dropPrice").html("Price Total: $" + finalPrice.toFixed(2));


08-28 22:02