

好吧,OpenCv在C ++中带有其功能findCheckerboardCorners()

Well, OpenCv comes with its function findCheckerboardCorners() in C++ which goes like

bool findChessboardCorners(InputArray image, Size patternSize,
OutputArray corners,


After using this function for a while, one thing that i understood was that the pattern size must comply with the image to a very good extent, else the algorithm refuses to detect any Chessboard altogether. I was wondering if there were any random image of a chessboard, this function would fail as it is impractical to enter the precise values of the patternSize. Is there a way, the patternSize for this function could be obtained from the image provided. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.




The OpenCV checkerboard detection code assumes that the pattern is uniform (all squares have the same size) and therefore, in order to uniquely locate its position in the image, the following two conditions must be true:

  1. 该图案完全可见.
  2. 该模式具有已知的行数和列数.


If either 1 or 2 is violated there is no way to know which corner is, say, the "top left" one.


For a more general case, and in particular if you anticipate that the pattern may be partially occluded, you must use a different algorithm and a non-uniform pattern, upon which corners can be uniquely identified.


There are various way to do that. My favorite pattern is Matsunaga and Kanatani's "2D barcode" one, which uses sequences of square lengths with unique crossratios. See the paper here. In order to match it, once you have sorted the corners into a grid, you can use a simple majority voting algorithm:

08-28 21:23