我正在使用pytest为我的lambda函数编写一个单元测试.我不知道如何将事件参数传递给函数调用.我了解到可以使用@ pytest.fixture来实现.我对Python和pytest非常陌生.相信我以错误的方式使用固定装置.请帮助我!
I am writing a unit test for my lambda function using pytest. I cannot figure out how should I pass my event parameters to the function call. I learnt that it can be achieved using @pytest.fixture. I am very very new to Python and pytest. Believe I am using fixures in the wrong way. Please help me!!
Below is my lambda handler:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
logger.info('Event received: ' + json.dumps(event))
sort = (event['sort'])
size = int(event['size'])
page = int(event['page'])
list_response = MyService().get_people_list(sort, size, page)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Unable to fetch details")
return list_response
class TestServiceHandler:
def event(self):
return {
"sort": "asc",
"size": 5,
"page": 0
def context(self):
return None
def test_lambda_handler(self):
result = lambda_service.lambda_handler(self.event, self.context)
assert_valid_schema(result, 'vendor_list.json')
And I am getting below error when running this test
line 17, in lambda_handler
sort = (event['sort'])\nTypeError: 'method' object is not subscriptable"
尽管我在固定装置中传递事件和上下文,但它仍然引用 lambda_handler
中的 event [sort]
Though I am passing event and context in fixtures, it is still referring to event[sort]
inside lambda_handler
您已经正确定义了灯具,但是使用它们的方式是错误的.要解决此问题,请将参数完全添加到 test_lambda_handler 方法中.在运行测试时, pytest
You've defined the fixtures correctly, but using them wrong. To fix, add arguments to the test_lambda_handler
method named exactly as the fixtures. When running tests, pytest
will analyze each argument and insert the fixture return value if it can find a fixture with that name. Example:
class TestServiceHandler:
def event(self):
def context(self):
def test_lambda_handler(self, event, context):
result = lambda_service.lambda_handler(event, context)
assert ...
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