



一个示例伪代码是 -

I wanted to make a simple parser, for a "pseudo code" like language(kept rigid), in Java.A sample pseudo code would be -

//This is a comment
$x1 = readint
$x2 = readint

$dx = $x2 - $x1
#f = $dx / 2

if ($dx > 0)
  loop while(#f > 1)
     #f = #f / 2


Note that above code is rigid in that, there can not be more than one statement on a line, integers start with $, floats start with # etc.

要解析此类代码,首先我可以使用 StringTokenizer ,然后是正则表达式,以匹配整数变量,浮点变量或关键字。

To parse such code, first I can use StringTokenizer, and then regular expression, to match integer-variables, float-variables, or Keywords.


Is this approach good? For statements in loop, how can i store expressions, so that i don't have to tokenize in each iteration?

我能想到转换表达式(比如#f = #f / 2)抛光表示法,然后存储在堆栈中。在每次迭代中,在弹出操作数时,我可以替换每个变量的值。但这有效吗?

I could think of converting expressions (like #f = #f / 2) to polish notation, and then to store in stack. And in each iteration, while popping operands I could replace value for each variable. But is this efficient enough?




Although I think that it's great that you want to build a parser for a language like this, doing so is much harder than it looks. Parsing is a very well-studied problem and there are many excellent algorithms that you can use, but they are extremely difficult to implement by hand. While you can use tricks like conversions to RPN for smaller examples like parsing expressions, building up a full programming language requires a much more complex set of tricks.

解析语言对于这种复杂性,你可能最好使用解析器生成器,而不是试图手动编写自己的解析器。 和是两个众所周知的工具,可以准确地完成您想要完成的任务,我强烈建议您使用其中的两个。

To parse a language of this complexity, you are probably best off using a parser generator rather than trying to write your own by hand. ANTLR and Java CUP are two well-known tools for doing precisely what you're interested in accomplishing, and I would strongly suggest using one of the two of them.



08-28 21:08