



我正在尝试创建100个从11到20的随机数,然后使用水平条形图和垂直条形图对每个频率进行计数.这就是我走的路,但是有些地方不对.请帮我在哪里 我错了!

I am trying to create 100 random numbers ranging from 11 to 20 then count the frequencies of each number with a horizontal bar chart and a vertical bar chart for the frequencies. This is how far I got, but something is not right. Please help me where I went wrong!

static void Main(string[] args)
        { // create 100 random numbers ranging 11-20. Count the frequency of each generated number.
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int max = 0;
            int i,j,x;
            int[] f = new int[10];
            for ( i=0; i<100; i++)
                x = rnd.Next(11, 21); //ranging from 11 to 20, so put 21
                Console.Write(x + " ");
                f[x - 11]++; //count is always added by 1. subtract 11 because the difference is always 11. g
            Console.Write("\n Frequencies: ");
            for (i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
                Console.Write(f[i]+" ");
            //print a horizontal bar chart
            Console.WriteLine("\n FRQ Table:");
            for (i=0; i<f.Length;i++)
                Console.WriteLine("    {0,2}   {1,2}", i+11, f[i]);
            //print a vertical bar chart for  the frequencies
            //find max frequency
            foreach (int y in f)
                if (y > max) max = y;
            Console.WriteLine("vertical bar Chart");
            for (i = max; i >= 1; i-- ) // i-- because max frequency will go dwon from 6 to 1
                for (j = 0; j < f.Length; j++)
                    if (f[j]<i) Console.Write("   ");
                    else Console.Write(" * ");
            for (i = 11; i <= 20; i++ )
                Console.Write("  " + i);


And how should I approach the horizontal bar chart? I'm really lost...




What exactly do you think is wrong? Apart from the bars not lining up with the numbers, it looks right to me.


08-28 20:30