



我有一个NodeJS应用程序,该应用程序使用 ioredis 连接到Redis并发布数据和其他Redy东西。

I have a NodeJS application that is using ioredis to connect to redis and publish data and other redisy things.

我正在尝试针对redis编写组件测试,并能够通过开玩笑创建一个安装/拆卸脚本,该脚本通过docker在随机端口上运行redis并将其拆解在通过 docker run -d -p 6379 --rm redis docker stop {containerId} 完成测试时。

I am trying to write a component test against redis and was able to create a setup/teardown script via jest that runs redis via docker on a random port and tears it down when the tests are done via docker run -d -p 6379 --rm redis and docker stop {containerId}.

RUN yarn test

This works great locally, but we have the tests running in a multi-stage build in our Dockerfile:RUN yarn test

我尝试通过 docker build进行构建。直到进行测试,然后抱怨以下错误- / bin / sh:docker:找不到

which I try to build via docker build . it goes great until it gets to the tests and then complains with the following error - /bin/sh: docker: not found


Hence, Docker is unavailable to the docker-build process to run the tests?


Is there a way to run docker-build to give it the ability to spin up sibling processes during the process?



This smells to me like a "docker-in-docker" situation.


You can't spin up siblings, but you can spawn a container within a container, by doing some tricks: (you might need to do some googling to get it right)

  • 在主机容器中安装docker二进制文件

  • 从主机容器,例如 docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...

  • install the docker binaries in the "host container"
  • mount the docker socket from the actual host inside the "host" container, like so docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...


But you won't be able to do it in the build step, so it won't be easy for your case.


I suggest you prepare a dedicated build container capable of running nested containers, which would basically emulate your local env and use that in your CI. Still, you might need to refactor your process a bit make it work.



08-28 19:56