



我已经看到了Python项目的 .dockerignore 文件的几个示例,其中 *。pyc 文件和/或 __ pycache __ 文件夹将被忽略:

I've seen several examples of .dockerignore files for Python projects where *.pyc files and/or __pycache__ folders are ignored:



Since these files/folders are going to be recreated in the container anyway, I wonder if it's a good practice to do so.



Yes, it's a recommended practice. There are several reasons:

中。 dockerignore 您指定的文件不会转到生成的图像,这在构建最小图像时可能至关重要。大致来说,字节码文件的大小等于实际文件的大小。字节码文件不是要分发的,这就是为什么我们通常也将它们放入。

In .dockerignore you specify files that won't go to the resulting image, it may be crucial when you're building the smallest image. Roughly speaking the size of bytecode files is equal to the size of actual files. Bytecode files aren't intended for distribution, that's why we usually put them into .gitignore as well.

在早期版本的Python 3.x中,有多个缓存的相关的:

In earlier versions of Python 3.x there were several cached related issues:

自Python 3.2开始,所有缓存的文件的解释器版本均以 mymodule.cpython-32.pyc 开头,并在 __ pychache __ 目录。顺便说一下,从Python 3.8开始,您甚至可以将存储缓存的目录。当您限制对目录的写访问但仍然希望获得缓存使用的好处时,此方法可能很有用。

Since Python 3.2 all the cached files prefixed with interpreter version as mymodule.cpython-32.pyc and presented under __pychache__ directory. By the way, starting from Python 3.8 you can even control a directory where the cache will be stored. It may be useful when you're restricting write access to the directory but still want to get benefits of cache usage.

通常,缓存系统运行良好,但是总有一天可能会出问题。值得注意的是,将使用缓存的 .pyc (位于同一目录中)文件代替 .py 文件,如果 .py 文件丢失。实际上,这并不常见,但是如果某些东西一直存在,那么考虑删除缓存文件是个好主意。当您尝试使用Python缓存系统或在不同环境中执行脚本时,这可能很重要。

Usually, the cache system works perfectly, but someday something may go wrong. It worth to note that the cached .pyc (lives in the same directory) file will be used instead of the .py file if the .py the file is missing. In practice, it's not a common occurrence, but if some stuff keeps up being "there", thinking about remove cache files is a good point. It may be important when you're experimenting with the cache system in Python or executing scripts in different environments.

您甚至不需要考虑它,但是缓存文件可以包含某种敏感信息。由于当前的实现,在 .pyc 文件中提供了实际文件的绝对路径。在某些情况下,您不想共享此类信息。

Most likely that you don't even need to think about it, but cache files can contain some sort of sensitive information. Due to the current implementation, in .pyc files presented an absolute path to the actual files. There are situations when you don't want to share such information.


It seems that interacting with bytecode files is a quite frequent necessity, for example, django-extensions have appropriate options compile_pyc and clean_pyc.


08-28 19:56