试图使用轮询写在Node.js的一个WebJob的Azure的服务总线队列我创建了2 WebJobs。第一个是在需求,并发送10个独特的消息到队列中。第二个作业是连续的轮询队列中的消息。
的响应。响应时间为0秒不等至〜120秒,平均为60秒。 -
具有相同的结果) 。 -
Basically nothing works as advertised. What am I doing wrong?
Send Message Test Job:
var uuid = require('node-uuid');
var azure = require('azure');
var serviceBus = azure.createServiceBusService(process.env.busSearchConnectionString);
var messagesToSend = 10;
function sendMessage(count)
var message = {
body: 'test message',
customProperties: {
message_number: count,
sent_date: new Date
brokerProperties: {
MessageId: uuid.v4() //ensure that service bus doesn't think this is a duplicate message
serviceBus.sendQueueMessage(process.env.busSearchQueueName, message, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log('sent test message number ' + count.toString());
} else {
console.error('error sending message: ' + err);
//wait 5 seconds to ensure messages are received by service bus in correct order
if (count < messagesToSend) {
setTimeout(function(newCount) {
//send next message
}, 5000, count+1);
Receive Message Continuous Job:
console.log('listener job started');
var azure = require('azure');
var serviceBus = azure.createServiceBusService(process.env.busSearchConnectionString);
function listenForMessages(serviceBus)
var start = process.hrtime();
var timeOut = 60*60*24; //long poll for 1 day
serviceBus.receiveQueueMessage(process.env.busSearchQueueName, {timeoutIntervalInS: timeOut, isReceiveAndDelete: true}, function(err, message) {
var end = process.hrtime(start);
console.log('received a response in %ds seconds', end[0]);
if (err) {
console.log('error requesting message: ' + err);
} else {
if (message !== null && typeof message === 'object' && 'customProperties' in message && 'message_number' in message.customProperties) {
console.log('received test message number ' + message.customProperties.message_number.toString());
} else {
console.log('invalid message received');
Sample Log Output:
[05/06/2015 21:50:14 > 8c2504: SYS INFO] Status changed to Running
[05/06/2015 21:50:14 > 8c2504: INFO] listener job started
[05/06/2015 21:51:23 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 1s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:51:23 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 0
[05/06/2015 21:51:25 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 2s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:51:26 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 4
[05/06/2015 21:51:27 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 1s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:51:27 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 7
[05/06/2015 21:51:28 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 0s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:51:29 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 9
[05/06/2015 21:51:49 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 20s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:51:49 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 1
[05/06/2015 21:53:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 106s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:53:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 1
[05/06/2015 21:54:26 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 50s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:54:26 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 5
[05/06/2015 21:54:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 9s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:54:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 9
[05/06/2015 21:55:28 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 53s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:55:28 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 2
[05/06/2015 21:57:26 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 118s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:57:26 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 6
[05/06/2015 21:58:28 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 61s seconds
[05/06/2015 21:58:28 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 8
[05/06/2015 22:00:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 126s seconds
[05/06/2015 22:00:35 > 8c2504: INFO] received test message number 3
[05/06/2015 22:04:25 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 230s seconds
[05/06/2015 22:04:25 > 8c2504: INFO] error requesting message: No messages to receive
[05/06/2015 22:08:16 > 8c2504: INFO] received a response in 230s seconds
[05/06/2015 22:04:25 > 8c2504: INFO] error requesting message: No messages to receive
And the issue was the queue I was using was partitioned (the default option when creating a queue in the Azure portal). Once I created a new queue that was not partitioned, everything worked as expected without the lag (other than the weird 230 second timeout on a long poll attempt). So basically the node.js library doesn't work for partitioned queues. At all. Wasted many days figuring that one out. Will leave this here for others.