

是否有一种方法可以从javascript azure函数检索服务总线代理消息.目前,只有一个上下文包含一个invocationId,但不是所有属性(例如brokeredProperties或customPropeties).

Is there a way to retrieve the service bus brokered message from a javascript azure function.At this time there's only a context that containing an invocationId, but not all properties like brokeredProperties or customPropeties.




There currently is no way to do this from node functions. You'd have to use C# and specify a BrokeredMessage as your parameter type, in which case you'd be given the entire message to handle yourself.

存在一个问题,该问题揭示了服务总线(和事件中心)触发器的更多详细信息: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/issues/1004 .我已添加了此问题的链接,因此我们可以确保在解决该问题时已将您的情况考虑在内.

There is an issue filed to expose more details for Service Bus (and Event Hub) triggers: https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk/issues/1004. I've added a link to this question so we can make sure we've taken your scenario into account when we address it.


08-28 19:31